Book Man
My tables are:
Student Name Student Name Book Number ISBN
Age Book Number ISBN Author
Class Loan Date Instance Number Genre
Loan Due Department
Loan Returned Age Group
Fine Publisher
Book Title
Student Name = Primary Key in table student
Student Name and Book Number = Composite Key in table Loan
Book Number = Primary Key in table Instance and ISBN is a
foreign key
ISBN = primary key in table book
I also have a Loan query table which is the record source
of my form it consists of:
Student Name
Book Number
Loan Date
Loan Due
Loan Returned
Days Late
Fine Amount
I have only used the Loan query table for my form so far.
So, how would I go about making it so my database can
record a renewal of a book [please state where I should
add the renew field] and What expression could I use to
prevent a book from being renewed more than twice by the
same student?
Many Thanks
Student Name Student Name Book Number ISBN
Age Book Number ISBN Author
Class Loan Date Instance Number Genre
Loan Due Department
Loan Returned Age Group
Fine Publisher
Book Title
Student Name = Primary Key in table student
Student Name and Book Number = Composite Key in table Loan
Book Number = Primary Key in table Instance and ISBN is a
foreign key
ISBN = primary key in table book
I also have a Loan query table which is the record source
of my form it consists of:
Student Name
Book Number
Loan Date
Loan Due
Loan Returned
Days Late
Fine Amount
I have only used the Loan query table for my form so far.
So, how would I go about making it so my database can
record a renewal of a book [please state where I should
add the renew field] and What expression could I use to
prevent a book from being renewed more than twice by the
same student?
Many Thanks