Adding to A Collection



Hi -

Here's my latest question. I have created a collection. When I add to that
collection, i use an array to populate from a text file delimited by a pipe

arrDATA(x) = Split(strNextLine,"|"
collDATA.Add KEY:=strNextCollKey, Item:=arrDATA(x)

So the collection item will take the length of the array. Later, I would
like to attach more data to that collection item, thus increasing it's
length. How can this be accomplished? Do I have to remove the item and add
it again?

Bob Phillips

If the item is an array yes you do. But why do it that way. why not add each
array item as a single collection item, then you just add new ones without
worrying what is there.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


I guess I could, but I have a lot of data (15000+ lines) and about 20
"columns" for each line. So I'm trying to use the "2-D" capability of the
collection. Perhapse I'm just not seeing the benefit of assigning each bit
of data as a new collection item... Could you ellaborate?


Bob Phillips said:
If the item is an array yes you do. But why do it that way. why not add each
array item as a single collection item, then you just add new ones without
worrying what is there.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

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