Adding Time...

  • Thread starter Thread starter ximian
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I have a question about adding time in 24 hour format. I like to record
a set of recorded times for my track team.

Format I am using at the moment.


13:24:45 - 13:32:54 = ?

I want excell to add the time but for some reason I am not doing it
correctly. What I did is =sum(b2+e2) etc etc... I get an error or the
time format shows the time AND the date. I just want to display time
with the outcome.

Any help would be appreciated, standing by.

format the cell as time.

If the time will exceed 24 hours use a custom format


Also, In general, excel will not display a negative time. You would have to
change to the 1904 base time system to work with negative times. I only
say that because you show 13:24:45 - 13:32:54 = ? which would produce a
negative time.
So, from what I take it I am not able to extract a value from this?

13:24:45 - 13:32:54 = 8:09 (8minutes and 09 seconds.) I may need to
swap the integers around so that I do not get a negative value...

I use military time, easier for me, also none of my times will exceed
an hour if not 24 hours.
Try using ABS()?

Put in C1: =ABS(A1-B1)
where A1: earlier time, B1: later time

Format C1 as h:mm:ss