Leonard Priestley
I have designed a report of hours worked, with totals for a number of
shifts. I have converted two time intervals into minutes and then added
them. To convert back into the hours:minutes format, I have used this
expression in a textbox:
Total = [TotalMinutes]\60 & ":" & [TotalMinutes] Mod 60
This is satisfactory in most cases. However, if the number of minutes in
the Total is less than ten, there is no leading zero. That is, a total that
I want to appear as 6:04 is presented as 6:4. It looks wrong and is
noticeable because other totals such as 10:16 have two digits in the minutes
place. How can I overcome this? I can put an expression in a textbox, but
I guess I can't put code and make If -- Then decisions can I?
Leonard Priestley
shifts. I have converted two time intervals into minutes and then added
them. To convert back into the hours:minutes format, I have used this
expression in a textbox:
Total = [TotalMinutes]\60 & ":" & [TotalMinutes] Mod 60
This is satisfactory in most cases. However, if the number of minutes in
the Total is less than ten, there is no leading zero. That is, a total that
I want to appear as 6:04 is presented as 6:4. It looks wrong and is
noticeable because other totals such as 10:16 have two digits in the minutes
place. How can I overcome this? I can put an expression in a textbox, but
I guess I can't put code and make If -- Then decisions can I?
Leonard Priestley