Adding Service with Srvany

Oct 28, 2009
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Hello to all, :)

I'm currently having a problem with regards to adding a service using srvany, I really dont know how.. I know I must use instsrv.exe with that.. I already tried it and I can see the service is already at services.msc. However, it automatically stops immediately after I press start. I am using vbs.
Just to clarify:

1) can we add a vbscript as service
2) if yes, how?
3) do we have to edit the registry.. also how?

:D I have so many questions in mind.. I have seen .vbs running at startup.. but i dont really understand how to do the same.

Thank you very much!

Create Copy and Register....

I've done it.. but not as service.. I have created a script that would loop infinitely until the computer restarts.. add a registry of that file into HKLM and run it at startup. Worked great!:nod:
jbconnection said:
I've done it.. but not as service.. I have created a script that would loop infinitely until the computer restarts.. add a registry of that file into HKLM and run it at startup. Worked great!:nod:

Good going, glad you got it sorted then. And thanks for posting back to let us know you have solver your problem, now at least if anybody else has the same problem they can come to you for an answer..

Sorry nearly forgot me manners. Welcome to the forum mate.

By the way.. here's a part of the setup script I used to run the vbs at start up
Set winShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
strComputer = winShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%COMPUTERNAME%" )
Set objRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")

strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
strValueName = "MyScript"

objRegistry.SetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, strValueName, strStringValue

Have Fun.
Services don't run continuously... they do end if not coded to restart or wait.
Secondly, it would have to be a mighty big vbs script for you to see it run.

The majority of services are listeners where they just wait untill an external source commands them to do something.... these are the ones you see running (as well as the ones doing stuff).

My main concern is that you've created a forever loop... many programmers will slap your hands and say bad JBC. Unless you've put an awfull lot of tidy up code in there that system will get slower and slower and slower.

Things to note about forever loops....
- memory registers - allocated registers aren't always reused/tidied.
- drive fragmentation - any writing of the drive.
Forgive me if this sounds silly but can ya not turn the loop off and clean up and defrag and then turn the loop back on again.....sort of like a pitstop for maintenance task ???
Also why will the sytem get slower and slower....i'm just curious cos i'm still learning, also i'm el dopo.
oh i see.. thanks JaLing.. i am coding a some sort of maintenance program that will force a computer to restart after 15 days of continuous use.. It will also contain a module that will delete temp files if the harddisk free space is less than 15%.. currently I've been testing the script for three days and it already consumed 11mb of memory..
Initially, the script (wscript.exe) would only consume 3mb of space at startup.. I wonder how would I get around with this... hmmmmmm...:lol:
I'm thinking if I could use another script to stop and re-run the main script.. Is that going to clear the previous memory consumed by the script?...