Hi Clayton,
How can I add rows to the DataGrid based upon this button click event?
What parameters are passed to the handling routine? It seems that adding
new rows to a DataGrid is quite difficult. I would have expected an
AddRow() method to exist but it does not seem to...
It does not exist cause the DataGrid is only mean as a way to display data,
not to keep it, therefore if you want to add a row you have to add a row to
the datasource.
I will show you a complete example of one of my projects, I'm not binding
again a dataset but again a strong typed collection but you can change that
and have the same functionality but in the code you will find classes that
you don't know.
aspx code:
this is how I declare the grid in the page:
I use TemplateColumns cause I feel more free using them, or maybe is cause I
have always use them

GetDataGridSource() is a method that return the datasource , I do it so
cause the source can change depending of other controls in the page.
I declare the columns as you can see the way I want it to look, the first
column contain the ID of the record I'm showing therefore its Visible
property is false
If you see the second column it define two sections ItemTemplate and
EditItemTemplate the latter is only used when that row is the one being
edited. In that row I'm using a DropDownList that is also databounded.
Finally the third column is where the buttons are located, here I have two
Edit/Delete that do that the name imply.
I also have a Add button, but it's located outside the grid and is not
shown in here, if you still have problem post back and I will post that part
<asp:datagrid id=recordgrid runat="server" ShowHeader="false"
autoGenerateColumns="False" DataSource="<%# GetDataGridSource()%>"
OnEditCommand="RecordEditCommand" OnDeleteCommand="RecordDeleteCommand">
<asp:templatecolumn Visible="False">
<asp:Label Visible="False" id="recordID" Runat="server"
Text='<%# ((CtpRecord)Container.DataItem).ID.ToString()%>'>
<asp:templatecolumn ItemStyle-VerticalAlign="Top"
ItemStyle-Width="140" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="left"
<asp:Label CssClass="text" Runat="server" Text='<%#
((CtpLocationDetail)Container.DataItem).RoadNumber%>' ID="Label3">

ropDownList OnSelectedIndexChanged="UpdateLocationMinor"
AutoPostBack="True" ID="locationdrp" Runat="server" DataSource="<%#
CtpLocation.Locations%>" DataTextField="LocationUID" DataValueField="ID">

<asp:templatecolumn ItemStyle-VerticalAlign="Top"
ItemStyle-Width="80" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="right"
<asp:imagebutton ToolTip="Edit Action" runat="server"
CommandName="Edit" Visible="<%# CanEditAction(
(CtpAction)Container.DataItem )%>" ImageUrl="images/ico_edit.gif"
ID="Imagebutton5" />
<asp:imagebutton ToolTip="Delete Action" runat="server"
CommandName="Delete" Visible="<%# CanDelAction(
(CtpAction)Container.DataItem )%>" ImageUrl="images/ico_delete.gif"
ID="Imagebutton3" /><br>
Well basically that is the aspx code, now the cs code, I have to define a
Delete and a Edit function. Let's start by the Delete as it;s the easiest:
I use the ID keeped on the hidden column I found that element in the
collection and delete it then rebind the grid and voila the row is deleted.
protected void LocationDeleteCommand(object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs
int locationID = Convert.ToInt32(
CtpLocationDetail l = record.Locations.Find( locationID);
record.Locations.Remove( l); //remove from the datasource
locationgrid.DataBind(); //rebind it
The edit is almost as easy:
protected void LocationEditCommand(object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs
locationgrid.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex;
Finally the Add():
It's as simple as adding a new record to the collection, set the
EditItemIndex to the correct record and rebind it. I usually insert the new
record at the start of the list.
here is the method: ( I'm using an ImageButton for the Add and that's why
the handler signature is different )
protected void AddLocation(object sender, System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs
CtpLocationDetail newloc = new CtpLocationDetail();
locationsCloned.Insert( 0, newloc);
this.locationgrid.EditItemIndex = 0;
I did not show you here the "save" operation where you get all the data you
entered and save it back to the datasource, if you need that too just let
me know
Hope this help,