I have 2 worksheets. Sheet 1 contains address information for names
of people we contact (including the names). Sheet 2 contains some of
the contact information, including about 15 columns of dates that
aren't included in sheet 1. I need to add in about 100 rows of new
data that isn't included on either sheet.
My problem is that the data that is the same on sheet 2 is linked to
the cells in sheet 1. Rows in sheet2 read
(=Sheet1!A2)(=Sheet1!B2)(=Sheet1!C2)(=Sheet1!G2),etc (they skip some
colmns from Sheet 1) for every row.
How do I add the extra 100 rows in without mixing up the data in my
initial rows? I also need to be able to alphabetize them by sorting.
When I do this I get 2 copies of the new data (b/c the new data copies
over the old) Does this make sense? I need the date part of sheet2
to line up with the formulas and they don't. Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
of people we contact (including the names). Sheet 2 contains some of
the contact information, including about 15 columns of dates that
aren't included in sheet 1. I need to add in about 100 rows of new
data that isn't included on either sheet.
My problem is that the data that is the same on sheet 2 is linked to
the cells in sheet 1. Rows in sheet2 read
(=Sheet1!A2)(=Sheet1!B2)(=Sheet1!C2)(=Sheet1!G2),etc (they skip some
colmns from Sheet 1) for every row.
How do I add the extra 100 rows in without mixing up the data in my
initial rows? I also need to be able to alphabetize them by sorting.
When I do this I get 2 copies of the new data (b/c the new data copies
over the old) Does this make sense? I need the date part of sheet2
to line up with the formulas and they don't. Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance.