Here's the snapshot of the talble
1st table 2nd Table
Student ID (number) Student ID (number (dups OK)
name course title
supervisor course name
phone schedule date
workcenter required (y/n)
Autonumber location
completed (y/n)
When I click to add a new record, the 1st table will be all blanks for user
to complete. The 2nd table (sub-form) will show course requirements and as
a minimum add one field for each record Course Title) for new employees.
The required field is set to (y) as default. The other fields will have to
be manually entered. There are other course requirements based on position
and duties.
<puzzlement> This contradicts your prior request to have six records added to
the child table (some of which would presumably have to be deleted!)
The usual way to do this would be to have THREE tables, not two:
StudentID <Primary Key>
<other biographical and contact data>
CourseNo <Primary Key>
more info about the course as a thing in itself
StudentID <foreign key link to Students>
CourseNo <foreign key link to Courses>
<other info about THIS student in THIS course>
Note: if you have a unique, numeric, stable StudentID and CourseNo you do NOT
need a separate autonumber in those tables, just use the existing unique ID as
the primary key; fieldnames should best not contain blanks or special
characters; you should have separate first and last name fields (and maybe a
middlename or middleinitial field) so you can more easily search or sort by
one of the names.
You would want a Form based on Students with a Subform based on Enrollment;
there would be no need to "pre add" records, the subform will fill in the
student ID as part of the master/child link feature, and you'ld have a combo
box to select the course from the Courses table.