I don't believe Ramesh is quite correct. If a program is installed strictly in the admin account then placing shortcuts to the program in limited accounts will not allow access to the program as limited accounts do not have access to any other accounts but there own. I think the proper way to proceed is to ensure when installing that the program is placed in the all users\program folder if you want everyone to have access to it. If you download a program to the admin\my documents folder for instance then you can place that into or copy it into the (users name)\my documents folder and then open and install it from there. If you right click on your start button then you will be able to click "explore all users" and a tree view will open on the left. You can then open your own 'My Documents' or wherever you downloaded the program to and shrink the window till it only covers a small portion of the desktop. Then open the other persons 'My Documents' and shrink this window until both are side by side on your display and then click on the program you downloaded and holding the button down drag it into the folder you want it in and let the button go. This is called drag and drop. In future when downloading you will see an option as to where to save the program, you can then click the browse button and find the all users\program folder or whatever all users folder you want to save it into. Most programs now install system wide so it's rare for a program to just be installed in the account that downloaded it. I believe that's where Ramesh's idea comes in. Good luck. {:~)