adding pages in Tab Control causes crash

  • Thread starter Thread starter RobGMiller
  • Start date Start date


Access 2003,

Pages or tabs are added to an existing Tab Control on an existing using VBA.
The initial tab control contains a variable number of pages or tabs. Each
page has a single subform control. The number of added pages is based on a
variable length list. The form containing the tab control is opened in design
mode, the existing tabs\pages are removed except for the first one which is
renamed and then the other tabs\pages are added along with a subform control
on each. The crash occurs when the form is saved and closed from design
mode. The application has to be restarted.

Note: If this is all done manually, there is no problem operating the form.
The error only occurs when the form controls are created programmatically.

The following is the code I used with shortened names.

DoCmd.OpenForm "FormName", acDesign, , , acFormEdit, acHidden

Set Frm = Forms!FormName.Form
Set TabCtl = Frm!TabContainer
For TabCount = 0 To TabCtl.Pages.Count - 1
If TabCount <> 0 Then TabCtl.Pages.Remove
Next TabCount
SQ = "Select * From ListOfTabs Order By SequenceNo;"
Set RS = New ADODB.Recordset
RS.Open SQ, dbconn, adOpenStatic
If Not RS.EOF Then
TotalTabs = RS.RecordCount
FixedWidth = (TabCtl.Properties("Width") - 500) / TotalTabs
'(500 leaves a space between the last tab and the right edge of the
tab control)
End If

TabCtl.TabFixedWidth = FixedWidth
Frm!TabContainer.Pages(0).Caption = RS!TabName
TabCount = 1
While Not RS.EOF
TabCtl.Pages(TabCount).Caption = RS!TabName
TabCtl.Pages(TabCount).Name = "P" & TabCount + 1
Set Ctl = CreateControl(Frm.Name, acSubform, acDetail,
TabCtl.Pages(TabCount).Name, , Left, Top, Width, Height)
Set Ctl = Nothing
TabCtl.Pages(TabCount).Controls(0).Name = "P" & TabCount + 1 &
TabCtl.Pages(TabCount).Controls(0).SpecialEffect = 0
TabCtl.Pages(TabCount).Controls(0).LinkChildFields = "FileNumber"
TabCtl.Pages(TabCount).Controls(0).LinkMasterFields = "FileNumber"
TabCount = TabCount + 1
Set TabCtl = Nothing
Set Frm = Nothing
DoCmd.Close acForm, "FormName", acSaveYes

Is there anything wrong with the technique used to perform this operation?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
I think the problem here that you are modifying mdb and VBA project from the
same VBA project. I suggest to create a tab with enough number of pages and
then make visible pages you need, hide others. this will work also in MDE

Best regards,
Alex Dybenko (MVP)
Thanks for that Alex,

Your suggestion worked out well considering that tabPages can be renamed,
resized and made invisible at runtime in an MDE.