Adding page events

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jay Allard
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Jay Allard


I'm using C# in VS.Net 2002. Whenever I need a page PRE_RENDER event,
I add it manually. That involves going into the "do not touch section"
to add the handler. This is probably something really obvious that I'm
missing, but is there a way to add the event via the gui, or to see
what other events are available?

Jay, i'll take a stab-- will someone please flame up if i give

1. NEVER go into the do not touch section, the VSDesigner is so finicky as
it is that you run a great risk of losing work by confusing it (perhaps
EricGu can defend VSD but that's my experience). In any case DO add the
handler using += in your Form_Load or another suitable event.

2. I'm not familiar with PRE_RENDER, but i'm assuming it's like many other
properties, styles, etc-- if they haven't been "wrapped" by whoever wrote
the framework code, you need to wrap them yourself, and there is no standard
way-- some people make a TreeViewEx to make horizontal and vertical
scrollbars independently controllable, others might do it differently, etc.

3. and unfortunately again you can't see non-wrapped items via the dotnet
tools, for "advanced" windows programming in dotnet you need to either read
the old docs on MSDN-- or post on a newsgroup, or-- find a non extinct
dinosaur person who might have worked on the ms code base in previous
generations and who still remembers that PRE_RENDER exists!!

Best of luck.. enjoy!

That doesn't really answer the question.

I've been going into the "Do not touch" section for more than a year
without a problem. I'm looking for the other way to do it.

Jay said:
I've been going into the "Do not touch" section for more than a year
without a problem. I'm looking for the other way to do it.

If you don't see it in the events section of the property window, there is
no other way.

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