Hello again, late last week you all were kind enough to help me, so here I am
My web site was 'spammed' 1000's of messages ceated and saved on the server,
causing them to shut off my FP extentions.
So now I think this is fixed, and I have deleted the problem files and
folders. My new problem is that all my hyperlinks need to be changed as they
are all pointing to a folder used for backing up my site.
Everytime I try to change or add/edit a hyperlink FP shuts down. No
questions asked. Just shuts down! Then opens up again, with a blank page.
What am I doing wrong?
To fix the 'spammed' problem I downloaded, via FTP, my site and deleted more
than 16,000 pages. The site is back on the server and I can open FP to edit
my site.
Help, please.
1. How do I change or add/edit a hyperlink without FP shutting down
Internet Explorer 7
site: www.noonansyndrome.org
FP 2003
Thanks again,
My web site was 'spammed' 1000's of messages ceated and saved on the server,
causing them to shut off my FP extentions.
So now I think this is fixed, and I have deleted the problem files and
folders. My new problem is that all my hyperlinks need to be changed as they
are all pointing to a folder used for backing up my site.
Everytime I try to change or add/edit a hyperlink FP shuts down. No
questions asked. Just shuts down! Then opens up again, with a blank page.
What am I doing wrong?
To fix the 'spammed' problem I downloaded, via FTP, my site and deleted more
than 16,000 pages. The site is back on the server and I can open FP to edit
my site.
Help, please.
1. How do I change or add/edit a hyperlink without FP shutting down
Internet Explorer 7
site: www.noonansyndrome.org
FP 2003
Thanks again,