Spacey Spade <
[email protected]>:
First, please forgive my getting back to this late (death in the family -
small furry who did not make it through surgery).
Second, before I begin typing anything here, I have to warn that it's
going to fall short of being useful or substantial.

I looked into
a couple parts of this, have not yet got any good results, and am not
fully sure what best to try/look into next. That at this juncture,
the best I have to offer is not more than a concurrent curiosity on
the subject.
Third, I think I might break this up into a couple of different messages,
makes it simpler for me. Hope that's ok.
Where do I find out how to do this? The "for dummies" version would be
I think I spoke too soon, to say evidently doable. I was basing the thought
on seeing that SuperEdi, a text editor, registered itself as an ole server.
Yet it was after having posted that I got around to following through and
actually doing the "insert superedi document" function. The results were
unsatisfactory. More unsatisfactory with Wordpad as client, btw, than with
the program you pointed to for this testing, RichOle.
With RichOle, Superedi would rise up with a new text doc and everything
would seem like it was going to work, but then anything entered there was
not getting saved into the RichOle host.
(Btw, warning to anyone who might try Superedi or any of the programs by
that author. He inserts some reg entries that I dislike. So make sure to
keep a backed up regkey log. The most recent Superedi, for example, will
seize your .txt association without warning. On install, not on each run;
yet there were a couple of times running it, where somehow that particular
incident of running it provoked it into reseizing the *.txt association.)
Could do this, but I would rather learn how to do it manually to cut
down on the guesswork. Text and html files were just an example... I
wouldn't mind adding OLE functionality as I need it. BTW, microsoft now
calls it COM... there is a good article at TechRepublic's encyclopedia
or dictionary or whatever.
I'll have to look it up later on, when I switch to web mode (am connected
at ~16 kbps right now, so web mode I have to really roll up my sleaves and
pound hard to get stuff).
I think it needs to be built into an application... a wordpad clone
As mentioned earlier, this light little prog came in very handy, better than
Wordpad, for looking over the Insert Object things.
As far as Ole server functionality needing to be already pre-built into an
app, at this point have to say you're definitely right. Just for the heck of
it, I had run a simple test. I exported HKCR\WordPad.Document as well as its
correspondent CLSID key. Then did a seach/replace and tried pointing to
a text editor (metapad was one I tried), as well as replacing the Wordpad
CLSID by one randomly generated (to get one I used one of those little progs
who have names like guidgen.exe). Then imported the new reg files into the
registry. Results? Yes, that which you expect. That life is not quite so
simple. The Insert Object did bring up the text editor, but not very well,
not just that the text entered was not saved into the RichOle client doc,
but that there was even a some moments of it going a but grey/frozen in
Basically, have to say maybe I was too hopeful? If it's otherwise, though,
and perhaps a programmer can give enlightenment on this, I'd be most
At the moment, all I feel equipped to do is delete, not add. (I have
collected a few different utilities that let you look directly into those
things that get themselves into the Insert Object dialog box. Actually one
that I just tried today, it was nice and direct, for scrolling directly
through list of CSLIDs and their correspondent local files, finding invalids
or even just unwanteds. But of course that's a different subject than this.)
Adding OLE functionality to the OS using available freeware, along with
knowing what reg entries are needed would be great. Note that Richole
was not successful either (no error message though) on running it and
trying to insert a jpg into it. No reg entries were added in doing this
(logged with Total Uninstall).
Now that's interesting. Because I was wondering for a while if the problem
you were having was limited specifically to whatever it is that
PersonalBrain needs when it inserts things. When I run RichOle and try to
insert things I expect to be insertable, I have no problems. You say
inserted a jpg? Do you mean "create from file" dialog, or do you mean a
particular image program on your system that is registered as an "ole
server" type?