Here's some code which you can paste into a module in your database.
You will need to change the height, width and text of the label to suit what
you want.
I suggest that the first time you run it, you put an apostrophe in front of
the line that saves and closes each report so that you can check if it is
what you want and if it isn't, close the reports without saving them.
Function CmTwip(sngNum As Single) As Single
'changes a cm measurement into twips
Dim Twp As Single
Twp = 566.93
'num of twips in 1 cm
CmTwip = sngNum * Twp
End Function
Sub AddControlToAllReports()
Dim db As Database
Dim ctr As Container
Dim MyControl As Control
Dim doc As Document
Dim RptName As String
Dim MyLabel As Control
Dim Lft As Double
Dim Tp As Double
Dim Wid As Double
Dim Ht As Double
Dim a As Double
Dim Txt As String
Lft = CmTwip(0.8)
'left position of control in cm
Tp = CmTwip(0.6)
'Top position of the control in cm
Wid = CmTwip(5)
'width of control in cm
Ht = CmTwip(0.5)
'height of control in cm
Txt = "What I want to write in my label"
'the text you want in the text box
Set db = CurrentDb
Set ctr = db.Containers!Reports
For Each doc In ctr.Documents
RptName = doc.Name
DoCmd.OpenReport RptName, acViewDesign
'check if control is already there
For Each MyControl In Reports(RptName).Controls
If MyControl.Name = "lblFootNote" Then
GoTo AlreadyThere
End If
Next MyControl
Set MyLabel = CreateReportControl(RptName, acLabel, acPageFooter, , ,
Lft, Tp, Wid, Ht)
MyLabel.Properties("Name") = "lblFootNote"
'name of the label
MyLabel.Properties("Caption") = Txt
DoCmd.Close acReport, RptName, acSaveYes
'close the report
Next doc
End Sub
If you want to try the code out on just one report then put an apostrophe in
front of the lines
For Each doc In ctr.Documents
RptName = doc.Name
Next doc
then, just under where it says RptName=doc.Name type in
RptName = "TheNameOfOneOfYourReports"