We have a weird situation, and want to ask whether this is normal, and
if not, the things we should check for.
In our large system, compiled on Win 2000, we have these DLLs:
a.dll does not depend on anything (except operating system calls).
b.dll depends on a.dll
c1 to c50.dll depends on both b.dll and a.dll
d.exe depends on a.dll, b.dll and uses loadlib to call c1 to c50.dll
The debug build appends a suffix to all these names, so we get
a_d.dll, b_d.dll ... d_d.exe (these suffixes will not be further
For a bug fix, I had to alter b.dll by adding a non-virtual,
non-inline method to a class called All_Data, then alter c2.dll to
call this new method.
I thought I should be able to get away with redeploying b.dll and
c2.dll, and what I thought was c1, c3 to c50.dll could stay the same
(not recompiled). However, I got strange hangs and errors within all
these other DLLs which went away after I recompiled them.
I tried a small version of the problem on a Linux system, with
libc1.so which calls a method from a class in libb.so,
and d (the executable which calls libc1.so).
I compiled/linked it all together, and ran d (the executable) with the
expected result. I then added the non-virtual, non-inline function to
libb.so, and relinked libb.so (only). I then ran d (the executable)
again with the expected result. This proves that adding a
non-virtual, non-inline class method does not make recompilation of
dependent objects necessary, unless those objects, too, were changed
to call the new method.
Post script:
There is another application made up as follows:
e.dll, depends on b.dll and a.dll
We also had a bug fix to f.exe, and (we assume) we had to recompile
e.dll because of the same behaviour exhibited by c1 to c50.dll.
We run debug binaries on one of our test servers, and release binaries
on another of our test servers. When we tried to distribute b.dll, c1
to c50.dll, d.exe, e.dll, and f.exe, we copy the debug versions of
these to the debug test server, and release versions of these to the
other test server. The debug version of d.exe was OK, but the debug
version of f.exe hung on startup. The release version of f.exe worked
OK. We eventually found that if we replaced the debug version of
a.dll, the hang problem of f.dll went away.
1. We simply can't understand why we had to replace the debug
version of a.dll on the debug test server. I double checked and there
was no change to the source code for a.dll.
2. If something was really wrong with a.dll, then it should have
affected both debug and release versions, and should have affected
d.exe as well.
3. I am suspicious of the need to recompile c1, c3 to c50.dll
a. Is there something fundamental about Windows which makes it
necessary to recompile c1, c3 to c50.dll?
b. What are the things to check for?
c. Is it possible that compiling different parts of the application
under slightly different versions of Windows 2000 could introduce any
d. Or perhaps an inconsistency in compiler options between b.dll and
c1 to c50.dll? (although I find it hard to believe it would "stop
working" one day, if the compile options were wrong at the beginning)
e. Any ideas on why we had to replace the debug version of a.dll?
Nick Bishop
email replies ignored. Additional info below.
The environment
1. We are running Windows 2000 everywhere, but some are 2000
professional, and others are 2000 server (some without Visual Studio).
2. The compiler is Visual Studio .NET (the original 2002 version)
(Help About gives Version 7.0.9466, and .NET framwork Version
3. The problem with needing to recompile the c2 to c50.dll showed
itself on a debug build compiled and run on 2000 professional
4. The problem with needing to replace the debug version of a.dll
showed itself on a debug build compiled on one W2000 Server, and run
on another W2000 server, that only has the .NET framework installed,
where previous debug builds have run successfully for some time.
The Source Code, for the reduced problem duplicated on Linux.
There are three directories:
b files to compile/link into libb.so
c1 files to compile/link into libc1.so
d file to compile/link into d (the executable)
******** and later on, another one *******
c2 files to compile/link into libc2.so
I compiled/linked the source exactly as presented below for b/, c1/, &
d/, and execute d (the executable) with the expected result.
I then uncomment the void someMethod(const char* const* theList)
method and recompile/relink only All_Data.* -> libb.so, and execute d
again with the expected result.
As a further test, I then add another directory c2 with a function
called int callTheFixedMethod() that calls the new method, and
uncomment the call in main(), compile/link the c2 directory to
libc2.so, recompile/relink d and execute it with the expected result
(NOTE libb.so is still the original)
// ----- b/All_Data.h ---------------------------------------
#ifndef ALL_DATA_H
#define ALL_DATA_H
class All_Data
void someMethod();
// void someMethod(const char* const* theList);
int someData;
#endif /* ALL_DATA_H */
// ----- b/All_Data.cpp -------------------------------------
#include "All_Data.h"
#include <iostream>
All_Data::All_Data() : someData(0)
void All_Data::someMethod()
std::cout << "someMethod(void)" << std::endl;
// void All_Data::someMethod(const char* const* theList)
// {
// int i = 0;
// const char* iter;
// for(iter = theList[0]; iter; iter = theList)
// {
// std::cout << iter << std::endl;
// ++i;
// }
// }
// ----- c1/The_Data.h --------------------------------------
#ifndef THE_DATA_H
#define THE_DATA_H
int callSomeMethodOnAll_Data();
#endif /* THE_DATA_H */
// ----- c1/The_Data.cpp ------------------------------------
#include "The_Data.h"
#include "../b/All_Data.h"
int callSomeMethodOnAll_Data()
All_Data ad;
return 0;
// ----- d/d.cpp ------------------------------------
#include "../c1/The_Data.h"
int main(void)
// callTheFixedMethod();
return callSomeMethodOnAll_Data();
// ----- c2/Fix_Data.h --------------------------------------
#ifndef FIX_DATA_H
#define FIX_DATA_H
int callTheFixedMethod();
#endif /* FIX_DATA_H */
// ----- c2/Fix_Data.cpp ------------------------------------
#include "Fix_Data.h"
#include "../b/All_Data.h"
static const char* const myList[] =
{ "One", "Two", 0 };
int callTheFixedMethod()
All_Data ad;
return 0;