Adding new records in subform under the same ID

  • Thread starter Thread starter sripsky via
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sripsky via

Sorry in advance if this question has been asked and answered but I've done a number of searches and haven't been able to find the answer. I currently have a database in which each record has an ID that is generated by an autonumber. In the form I've created, I've setup a subform in which each record in the subform will be under the same ID as the main form. Here's the problem. I need the subforms to have the ability to create new records under that same ID. I've tried several different ways to do this but everytime I test it out I get an error message. Does anybody know of a way to setup a subform in which its records will be under the same ID as the main form? Thanks in advance.
It's not clear about what tables are involved or if there is a relationship
defined between them. Presuming the main form / sub form relationship has
matching tables I a 1 - many relationship, just set the link Child / Link
Master properties to be the ID columns and the subform will use it