Adding httpModules problems

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bogdan Fiedur
  • Start date Start date

Bogdan Fiedur

Hi Everybody,

When we defined this section in web.config in the main root,

<add name="ApplicationModule"
type="Myspace.Community.ApplicationModule,Community" />

applications which are defined within the root are having problems with
of the Community.dll which resided in the root/bin directory.

The problems seems to occur when child application are trying to inherit the
settings and load the dll but are looking for it in the local bin folders.

How do I either stop child application from inheritance of this portion of
parent web.config
or inform them where the dll is located, which is root/bin
not root/child/bin

Bogdan Fiedur
Hey Bogdan,

You can remove the HttpHandler for each child application by putting the
following in the web.config files of the child applications:

<remove name="ApplicationModule"/>

HTH, Jakob.
Hi Jakob,

I tried that.
The problem is still there as the child web.config can only remove
the module once it is loaded.
The problem occurs when load is invoked and child application
attempts to look for the dll in its local bin, which of course doesn't
contain the dll.

We have tried to use <location> , <probe> and registering the
module in global cache, but all this seems to fail. Also there is no
clear indication what's missing.
Do you have any other ideas?

It seems that this could be very common problem and the solution
should be more obvious.

Bogdan Fiedur
Hey Bogdan,

Probing only works for subdirectories of the application so it definitely
will not work in your case. I would think that it would work if the assembly
is registered in the GAC. Is the HttpModule assembly dependent on some other
assemblies that are not in the GAC? Have you tried using <codeBase> in

Maybe FUSLOGVW.exe can help you find out where the runtime is trying to load
the assembly from?

Regards, Jakob.