Does anyone know how to make access add a time field?
Example: In one field the time is 6:00 AM, and in another field the time is
2:00 PM. I want it to add the total hours between the 2 fields. hours in this
example being 8. Anyone know???
An Access Date/Time field will handle times from 00:00 to 23:59:59 but
not longer - it's actually stored as a Double Float count of days and
fractions of a day since midnight, December 30, 1899; if the times
were to add up to 25 hours, it would store #12/31/1899 01:00:00# and
display as one hour. There is no format allowing display of hours over
24. Therefore a date/time isn't really a good choice for durations!
I'd suggest that you store the duration in a Long Integer field, a
count of minutes. To display it as hours and minutes use an expression
[Duration] \ 60 & Format([Duration] MOD 60, ":00")
To fill the field using a form, you can use two unbound textboxes for
hours and minutes, and calculate the total minutes in each textbox's
AfterUpdate event.
John W. Vinson[MVP]