Adding events to TableCells


Mark Rae


Is it possible to add events, specifically a Click event, to a dynamically
created TableCell?

I have an <asp:Table...> control to which I'm dynamically adding TableRow
controls made up of TableCell controls - before you ask, the underlying data
is really not suitable for a DataGrid or Repeater...

Now, the client is asking for each dynamically added TableCell control to
respond to a server-side Click event - is this possible?


Kevin Spencer

Sort of, yes. The problem is not adding the event to a table cell; it is
adding the event to a TableCell object instance. Since you're using a Table
WebControl, this event is not part of the object model. It *is* part of the
HTML Document Object Model supported by all (at least that I know of)

So, what you need to do is to create a class that inherits TableCell, and
define a server click event for it. Then use that in your Table Control.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
If you push something hard enough,
it will fall over.
- Fudd's First Law of Opposition

Eliyahu Goldin


TableCell doesn't support server-side onclick event (at least it is not
listed). What about adding a client-side onclick event that will submit the


Mark Rae

TableCell doesn't support server-side onclick event (at least it is not
listed). What about adding a client-side onclick event that will submit
the page?

Yes, but will I be able to wire the postback up server-side?

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