Adding day to date

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roberta
  • Start date Start date


I am using the formula
to add a day to a date such as 9/29/03.
It worked fine until September had to roll over to October
1. The help screen said it would work but doesn't.
Any ideas?
Much appreciated.

Again, your formula works fine for me...
so does =A10 + 1

What type of error do you get?

Is it possible that the value in A10 is not a date?
Put you cursor in A10 and hit Format -> Cells
under the Number tab, if you choose Date and
toggle through the list does your sample change

Dan E
Works for me. When you say it does not work, what do you mean?
Wrong result, excel explodes?

Btw, you might as well use

=A10+1 to add one day