s cartner
Iv got a simple form on my pda which i use to add new records to the
dataset, the form contains combo boxes and text fields, no bound objects at
all. I can add new records to that dataset no problem. After i add a record
to the dataset, i want to add the new row/record to my SQL Server CE
database. i can add the first record no problem, its when i try to add
another record im getting an exception:Update error. From what i understand,
my code should add a new row to the database and NOT update it. The code is
below. *Note* everytime i add a record to the dataset, i insert it into the
Thanks for your help
Dim NewRow As DataRow
NewRow = dsFindingsSub.Tables(0).NewRow
With NewRow
.Item("InsNo") = mlngInsNo
.Item("TreeID") = mlngTreeID
.Item("Finding") = Me.cboFindings.Text
.Item("Comments") = Me.txtComments.Text
.Item("Priority") = Me.cboPriorities.Text
End With
Me.BindingContext(Me.dsFindingsSub.Tables(0)).Position =
Dim sqlFindingsSubAddCommand As New SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand
Dim strFinding As String
Dim strComments As String
Dim strPriority As String
Dim lngInsNo As Long
Dim lngTreeID As Long
Dim strInsertSQL As String
lngInsNo = mlngInsNo
lngTreeID = mlngTreeID
strFinding = cboFindings.Text
strComments = txtComments.Text
strPriority = cboPriorities.Text
strInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO zsExpInspSub(InsNo, TreeID, Finding,
Comments, Priority) VALUES ("
strInsertSQL = strInsertSQL & "'" & lngInsNo & "', "
strInsertSQL = strInsertSQL & "'" & lngTreeID & "', "
strInsertSQL = strInsertSQL & "'" & strFinding & "', "
strInsertSQL = strInsertSQL & "'" & strComments & "', "
strInsertSQL = strInsertSQL & "'" & strPriority & "' "
strInsertSQL = strInsertSQL & ")"
sqlFindingsSubAddCommand = ssceconn.CreateCommand()
sqlFindingsSubAddCommand.CommandText = strInsertSQL
daFindingssub.InsertCommand = sqlFindingsSubAddCommand
daFindingssub.Update(dsFindingsSub, "zsExpInspSub")
dataset, the form contains combo boxes and text fields, no bound objects at
all. I can add new records to that dataset no problem. After i add a record
to the dataset, i want to add the new row/record to my SQL Server CE
database. i can add the first record no problem, its when i try to add
another record im getting an exception:Update error. From what i understand,
my code should add a new row to the database and NOT update it. The code is
below. *Note* everytime i add a record to the dataset, i insert it into the
Thanks for your help
Dim NewRow As DataRow
NewRow = dsFindingsSub.Tables(0).NewRow
With NewRow
.Item("InsNo") = mlngInsNo
.Item("TreeID") = mlngTreeID
.Item("Finding") = Me.cboFindings.Text
.Item("Comments") = Me.txtComments.Text
.Item("Priority") = Me.cboPriorities.Text
End With
Me.BindingContext(Me.dsFindingsSub.Tables(0)).Position =
Dim sqlFindingsSubAddCommand As New SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand
Dim strFinding As String
Dim strComments As String
Dim strPriority As String
Dim lngInsNo As Long
Dim lngTreeID As Long
Dim strInsertSQL As String
lngInsNo = mlngInsNo
lngTreeID = mlngTreeID
strFinding = cboFindings.Text
strComments = txtComments.Text
strPriority = cboPriorities.Text
strInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO zsExpInspSub(InsNo, TreeID, Finding,
Comments, Priority) VALUES ("
strInsertSQL = strInsertSQL & "'" & lngInsNo & "', "
strInsertSQL = strInsertSQL & "'" & lngTreeID & "', "
strInsertSQL = strInsertSQL & "'" & strFinding & "', "
strInsertSQL = strInsertSQL & "'" & strComments & "', "
strInsertSQL = strInsertSQL & "'" & strPriority & "' "
strInsertSQL = strInsertSQL & ")"
sqlFindingsSubAddCommand = ssceconn.CreateCommand()
sqlFindingsSubAddCommand.CommandText = strInsertSQL
daFindingssub.InsertCommand = sqlFindingsSubAddCommand
daFindingssub.Update(dsFindingsSub, "zsExpInspSub")