Adding data to the data table without adding a data marker to the chart

  • Thread starter Thread starter BA
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I have a chart that needs to display totals on the data table without
creating a data marker on the chart. Can this be done? Thanks for
any suggestions.
1. Include the Totals in the chart, so they'll appear in the DataTable.
2. Select the Totals series, and choose Format>Selected Data Series.
3. Set the Line to None, and Marker to None.
(for a column chart, set Border and Area to None)
4. Select the Axis, choose Secondary, click OK
5. Select the secondary Y axis, and choose Format>Selected axis
6. On the Patterns tab, change all settings to None, click OK
An alternative to using the inflexible data tables that charts can
accommodate, you can just set up a table in the cells below the chart.
In this table, you can apply any formatting allowed in the worksheet,
and you can include or exclude data irrespective of its presence in the

- Jon