Adding data to a cell next to another cell with specific value


Gerhard Kriek

Hi I need to know how I can do the above.

Example I have a list of Ip Address , , etc

Now What I want to do is using a Macro if posiible add a cell next the the
one containing the IP address which will give me the location that I will
specify it should be .

Reason for this is we get a lot of lists with Ip address and we can only see
where these IP belong by manually searching the Gateways and then typing the
Sites in the next Colums next to the Ip colums .. will make my life easier if
I can run a Macro that can do this for me ...
Any help will be appreciated.

Regards Gerhard

Bernie Deitrick


Easier, I think, would be to make a list of IP addresses and locations, then
use VLOOKUP formulas to extract that data. Your list could be expanded as
needed. Also, it could be based on all or part of the IP.

Something like this to find the entire address:


Or, based on the first three numbers:
First two numbers:
First number only:

where your data table is on a sheet named IPData, in columns A and B.

MS Excel MVP

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