1) Robert Sparnaaij, another Outlook MVP, has a handy spreadsheet reference
for all Outlook 2003 Command Bar ID's:
There is also an add-in for the Outlook 2000/XP VBA IDE add in - CommandBars
Browser (does not work with OL2003):
2) For working with custom button images, here are some excellent
Custom Button Faces in a Managed Code Add-in for the Microsoft Office Systemhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/?url=/library/en-us/dno2k3ta/html/odc_oftrsmartdocerrors.asp?frame=true
Listing Button Faces in the Command Bar for the Microsoft Office System
Built-In Outlook 2000 Icon ID Map
3) When you get the CommandBars collection from an Inspector object, it
returns all built-in menus and commandbars (Task Pane, Clipboard, Menu Bar,
Standard toolbar, etc.). If you set a watch on that collection, you can
browse through each CommandBar item in the collection, and keep going deeper
through their Controls (CommandBarControls) collection until you find
individual menu or button items. In this case, the Actions menu has an ID
of 30131.