Adding control boxes



For some reason, I am getting an error message from access saying that I
cannot create any more controls on this form. It says if I have deleted
controls that I can save the file as another name. Is there a limit to how
many control boxes I can place on a form?


For some reason, I am getting an error message from access saying that I
cannot create any more controls on this form. It says if I have deleted
controls that I can save the file as another name. Is there a limit to how
many control boxes I can place on a form?

Yes there is.
Access Help + Specifications + Access specifications + Forms and

missinglinq via

The limit is 754. The thing is, if you add 20 controls to a form, then decide
to delete 10 of them, Access still assumes you have 20 controls on the form!
When you save the file under a different name, or create a new blank file and
import everything into it, only the current controls are counted, so you
reclaim, if you will, the allocation for the deleted controls. Just one of
Access' cute little quirks!

There's ALWAYS more than one way to skin a cat!

Answers/posts based on Access 2000

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