I seek to add a "news ticker" (think CNN or FOX) at the bottom of my PPT slides. I have an information dense, highly time limited presentation venue where adding succint summary points at the bottom and constantly recycling them will remind my audience what I am doing/have done at each step of the way.
Parameters: I wish this to occupy the bottom 8-10% of the slide. There will be approximately 10, short summary sentences that I wish to scroll slowly across the bottom and constantly recycle them. Hence, this cyclical animated text will need to be some type of "add-in" function that scrolls independent of each slide. If possible, I wish it to start after my first title slide
Specifics are a must. I've seen some possibilities (animated GIF, Visual Basic programming, java) but I know very little about them
Thanks in advance for any help
I seek to add a "news ticker" (think CNN or FOX) at the bottom of my PPT slides. I have an information dense, highly time limited presentation venue where adding succint summary points at the bottom and constantly recycling them will remind my audience what I am doing/have done at each step of the way.
Parameters: I wish this to occupy the bottom 8-10% of the slide. There will be approximately 10, short summary sentences that I wish to scroll slowly across the bottom and constantly recycle them. Hence, this cyclical animated text will need to be some type of "add-in" function that scrolls independent of each slide. If possible, I wish it to start after my first title slide
Specifics are a must. I've seen some possibilities (animated GIF, Visual Basic programming, java) but I know very little about them
Thanks in advance for any help