I have a form and I add buttons programmatically in de form_Load function.
Anybody know how implements de function button_click if in the designer mode the button doesn't exists?
I write in visual basic .net:
mybutton.Click = New EventHandler (AddressOf DetectedAClick)
private Sub DetectedAClick(ByVal sender as object, ByVal e as EventArgs)
I produced an erron in executing mode, its say: An unhandled exception of type "System.InvalidCastException' ocurred in
microsoft.visualbasic.dll. Additional information: Specific cast is not valid.
Do you know what is the problem?
Another question:
In a datagrid control is posible programmatically do autosize columns?
In a listview is possible that when I select a item doesn't view in blue color?
I have a form and I add buttons programmatically in de form_Load function.
Anybody know how implements de function button_click if in the designer mode the button doesn't exists?
I write in visual basic .net:
mybutton.Click = New EventHandler (AddressOf DetectedAClick)
private Sub DetectedAClick(ByVal sender as object, ByVal e as EventArgs)
I produced an erron in executing mode, its say: An unhandled exception of type "System.InvalidCastException' ocurred in
microsoft.visualbasic.dll. Additional information: Specific cast is not valid.
Do you know what is the problem?
Another question:
In a datagrid control is posible programmatically do autosize columns?
In a listview is possible that when I select a item doesn't view in blue color?