After retrieving a table from SQL. I wanted to add a column to the table with
a record id. After retrieving the data and then I add the column and set the
following properties:
dt.Columns.Add("NewColumn", GetType(Int32))
dt.Columns("NewColumn").AutoIncrement = True
dt.Columns("NewColumn").AutoIncrementSeed = 0
dt.Columns("NewColumn").AutoIncrementStep = 1
Nothing happens. I looked through the records for this column and there is
nothing there.
I am using ADO.NET 1.0 and Visual Studio.NET 2002...
I have seen examples for this and I am wondering if its not supported with
the earlier version of ADO.NET. Or I am doing something wrong.
a record id. After retrieving the data and then I add the column and set the
following properties:
dt.Columns.Add("NewColumn", GetType(Int32))
dt.Columns("NewColumn").AutoIncrement = True
dt.Columns("NewColumn").AutoIncrementSeed = 0
dt.Columns("NewColumn").AutoIncrementStep = 1
Nothing happens. I looked through the records for this column and there is
nothing there.
I am using ADO.NET 1.0 and Visual Studio.NET 2002...
I have seen examples for this and I am wondering if its not supported with
the earlier version of ADO.NET. Or I am doing something wrong.