Adding ASP.NET AJAX to an existing project

  • Thread starter Thread starter trullock
  • Start date Start date



Ive installed the ASP.NET AJAX extensions and ive set up a simple
example, however its not doing anything asynchronously, its always
posting back...

Could this be something to do with the fact ive added it to an
existing project not an " ajax enabled project"?

If so, whats the difference and how do i make my existing project the
same as an ajax enabled one?

Heres the code:

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:Literal runat="server" ID="lit_test" />
<asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="btn_Test"

void btn_Test_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
lit_test.Text = "will i appear via postback or not??";


I'd have to say that trying to get through the MS documentation that shows
you the individual steps to modifying your web.config file is a timeconsuming
challenge. Perhaps it's just too much for me to concentrate that hard. Plus
the web.config files always have other things in them and are never in the
same sequence as the examples.

What I do when I move from the
to release.... is...

1. I uninstall the old Ajax version (you wouldn't probably be doing that if
this is your first Ajax experiment)
2. Install the latest Ajax version.
3. Open VS2005 and create a new Ajax Web site. It will create a web.config
based on the new Ajax environment.
4. I use a source compare utility to compare the web.config of my old
project to the web.config of the project built in step 3 above, and it
usually shows me exactly where the changes to the references, etc, must be
made in my existing web.config.

I think you can use that logic for your situation.
I use a product by "Scooter Software" called "Beyond Compare". I don't know
how I ever lived without it before...and I have no association with the

Best of luck.