Adding an Approval Button

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Let me start by saying I am no programmer or developer so creating templates
and forms is not my specialty.

My need is to create a form if possible for PTO (Paid Time Off Approval), a
form which a user could fill out with their name, date, days taken and
hopefully a field for a supervisor to approve or verify that they agree with
the dates taken by an employee. Is this possible to anyones knowledge? If so
is therea resource for dummies out there to create this and deploy it to
approximately 150 employess. If this were your environment which method would
you choose?

Thanks in advance for any USEFUL replies :-)
Certainly is. Im in the same environment, and have created a similar form
from scratch (but it's a leave form), without having any prior experience
with Outlook forms and VBScript. I learnt and got help from and a few posts on here, so Im happy to pass some of it

My form currently does the following:

1. Inserts current users name into subject line, and into read-only Name
field on the form
2. Inserts current date as the date completed field on the form
3. Calculates the amount of work days between 2 manually entered dates, and
then subtracts the amount of public holidays from a manually entered value of
holidays (would be good to do this automatically from a table of public
holidays though)
4. Has a supervisor approval/disapproval section that is hidden from the
original sender, but visible to their supervisor.
5. Has a pop-up box if the user selects a particular radio button to give
them specific instructions.

and the rest is fairly straightforward form design.

I'd be happy to help in anyway, but Im not going to provide a sample as I
think it is good to learn it all yourself. You might then find that you
could make other forms to simplify workflows.
