Adding Adtl. birthday onto contact details

Jan 10, 2007
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Various of my contacts are that of couples that i only want 1 contact details for, mainly to keep thngs tidier and also to keep space on my laptop to a minimal) , is there a way to add another birthday for the second person or even more for siblings that will still show up on the calender as it does for the default one. I have tried adding a 'user defined field' as a date/time as a 'type' of field and added details into it but 2 issues with it are -

1. it doesn't show on the defaut front page of the contact, only when i select 'show all fields' then 'user defined fields'

2. it doesn't automatically put a reminder on the calender

Iam using Outlook 07 so any help would be greatly appreciated, approached MS and they wanted $69 for the privalage !!
