Rusty Shackelford
I have a primary standard dns server and I am unable to add the zone to
another dns server. The one I want to add is just a regular server not a
member. The message I keep getting is that the sever encountered an error
while attempting to load the zone. I have had the primary set to allow any
zone transfer and I have specified the IP. I have removed DNS and
reinstalled it. For giggles I added the zone to a AD DNS server and it
worked like it was supposed to. There is nothing in the event log. Any
another dns server. The one I want to add is just a regular server not a
member. The message I keep getting is that the sever encountered an error
while attempting to load the zone. I have had the primary set to allow any
zone transfer and I have specified the IP. I have removed DNS and
reinstalled it. For giggles I added the zone to a AD DNS server and it
worked like it was supposed to. There is nothing in the event log. Any