What I would like to do is input a range of serial numbers in a form
and have that range populate in the table without me having to put them
in one at a time manually. The numbers do not exist yet, either. I'm
not sure how else to explain it.
The tables I use have the following Fields:
Table 1
(PK) Serial Number
Date Sold
Sold By
Table 2
(PK) Serial number
Date Redeemed
Redeemed By
This is for a gift certificate database. Sometimes we sell more than
one gift certificate at a time by the same seller on the same date.
Sometimes we sell up to 1000 to 1500 gift certificates a day so you can
see that inputting the certificate number can get tedious at times. I
have 2 different forms aswell
Here are the following fields for both forms:
Form 1:
Date Sold
Sold By
Form 2:
Date Redeemed
Redeemed By
I also want to be able to detect if a serial number in the redeemed
database, doesn't exist in the sold database. As well as catch
duplicate serial numbers sold and redeemed. Does this make any sense
and is it doable. Thanks for your help
and have that range populate in the table without me having to put them
in one at a time manually. The numbers do not exist yet, either. I'm
not sure how else to explain it.
The tables I use have the following Fields:
Table 1
(PK) Serial Number
Date Sold
Sold By
Table 2
(PK) Serial number
Date Redeemed
Redeemed By
This is for a gift certificate database. Sometimes we sell more than
one gift certificate at a time by the same seller on the same date.
Sometimes we sell up to 1000 to 1500 gift certificates a day so you can
see that inputting the certificate number can get tedious at times. I
have 2 different forms aswell
Here are the following fields for both forms:
Form 1:
To NumberFrom Number
Date Sold
Sold By
Form 2:
To NumberFrom Number
Date Redeemed
Redeemed By
I also want to be able to detect if a serial number in the redeemed
database, doesn't exist in the sold database. As well as catch
duplicate serial numbers sold and redeemed. Does this make any sense
and is it doable. Thanks for your help