It's not entirely clear how your database is set up, but I think I see what's
generally going on. My suggestions are based on the assumption that an
employee will sign out a piece of equipment, then return it, then another
persons will sign it out, etc. One thing that isn't clear is "On the form
users must have a asset #". Does each employee have their own asset #, or
does the equipment have an asset #, or what exactly?
Leaving that aside, I think you need an employees table (tblEmployees), an
equipment table (tblEquip) and a sign out table (tblSignOut). Something like
EmployeeID (primary key, or PK)
Employee name
EquipID (PK)
Serial Number
SignOutID (PK)
EmployeeID (foreign key, or FK)
EquipID (FK)
Date Out
Date In
You need to identify the PKs in table design view. You establish the FKs in
the relationships window by adding all three tables, then dragging EmployeeID
from tblEmployees to tblSignOut. Click Enforce Referential Integrity.
Repeat for EquipID. If you base a form (frmEquip) on tblEquip and another
(frmSignOut) on tblSignOut, then drag frmSignOut onto frmEquip in form design
view, you will establish a form/subform relationship to correspond to the
table relationship you have already set up. You can use the combo box wizard
to create a combo box for frmEquip to select a piece of equipment, and
another on frmSignOut to select an employee from a list based on
tblEmployees. This is a general outline, so post back if you need details.
It sounds like what you are trying to do is to store the name of a previous
user in one field and the name of the current user in another. That really
is spreadsheet thinking, and does not lend itself well to a relational
database. In a relational database such as I have outlined you will be
adding records, not modifying an existing record over and over. It will
enable you not only to see the previous user, but the entire history of that
piece of equipment. And it's probably easier to set up and less apt to cause
problems than a system for modifying an existing record.