adding a new record to a table from a form (works in edit mode)

  • Thread starter Thread starter OTWarrior via
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OTWarrior via

I have a form which shows select field from a table (showing all rows of
data), and have 2 buttons , one to edit, one to add.
The edit button works perfectly

DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_TRA_EditRoute", , , "[anRouteID]=" & Me.Text62.Value,
acFormEdit, , True

the add button does not.

DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_TRA_EditRoute", , , , acFormAdd

in edit mode, the form loads up with all of the details (the autonumber
correct, the combo boxes drawing in the correct data), however in add mode
the autonumber box is just blank (doesn't say "(Autonumber)" like it does on
the other forms when i add), and the combo boxes aren't pulling the data

Am I going about this from the wrong angle? should I be using "addrecord" or
code to that effect?

NB: the form's source is the table.

Any help on this would be great, as I have check my other forms and cannot
see what i have done differently.
Please do not double post on the forum! You've done so twice in 69 minutes!
It potentially wastes the time of the very people you're asking for help, as
they have no way of knowing what's been suggested to you and whether or not
the suggestions helped!

There's ALWAYS more than one way to skin a cat!

Answers/posts based on Access 2000

Message posted via
Ok I did not post on here twice, somehow the accessmonster forum also put it
on here. Even if I did it myself by accident (which I have no way of knowing
how the two sites can crossover so badly) I did not do it intetionally, and
it was only the once, I did not double post twice in "69 minutes".

I often post on 2 separate forums so I can make get different answers/a
faster response, which I didnt know was a wrong thing to do on the maxpanse
on the web.

Plus, The first one is on micrsoft, the second says "Via Accessmonster".
Doesn't really look like a normal double posting right?

rather than have a go at me for "making an error" perhaps you could actually
assist me?
Besides, I have looked and there quite a few double posts by other people
also (which you haven't told them off for i might add) ...perhaps it is a
problem with the forum maybe ?