Could you shed some light on the statement "use Restricted Groups at the
OU level [do NOT do a the domain level for the purpose you want to do]. "?
Specifically, why not use the Restricted Groups at the Domain Level?
You could use a simple startup script using the " net localgroup
administrators mydomain\user /add " command or use Restricted Groups at the
OU level [do NOT do a the domain level for the purpose you want to do].
Assuming you are using SP4 you can create a global group, add the user to
the global group and then use Restricted Groups to make that global group a
member of administrators which will place that domain group in the local
administrators group of all domain computers on the OU. --- Steve --- Group Policy startup
Hi there,
Any one please help me to add a domain user to local administrative group
in the member domain workstation (windows 2K, XP) using Group Policy?