adding a cumulative total from a subform to the main form

  • Thread starter Thread starter K. Georgiadis
  • Start date Start date

K. Georgiadis

I have a form (named 'Donor Screen') containing personal
information on supporters of a charitable organization
(name, address, phone numbers, etc,) The form contains a
subform in a one-to-many relationship (named 'Donations
Form') that lists all the donations made by these
supporters over time. The information is presented in
datasheet format and lists date of contribution, check
number and Amount of each contribution.

I want to have a cumulative total of all contributions
made by each contributor over time. Because the subform
is in datasheet format, it does not have a footer. I saw
a mention somewhere that it is possible to add the
cumulative total oin the main form header or footer but,
whatever I try I get an error message.

Can someone help me with the procedure and formula/syntax?

Because your subform is in datasheet view, you can't see the header/footer,
but you can still add them in design view, and add a textbox which will do
your necessary summing.
Then put another textbox wherever you like on your main form, and set its
controlsource to reference the sum on the subform.

- Turtle