Ok. For the benefit of Googlers what I want to do is use a button assigned
to a macro to insert a column before the last column with data to match the
properties of the column that is before the last column currently. The data
in the new column should also be part of the sum in C6:C70. This column
will always be in that range (absolute). The Numbered heading (A/W #1, A/W
#2, etc.) of the new columns should increment to the next available number.
The title above the heading (wrong I know) can be blank.
Q and A inline. Check notes for errors recieved.
I don't see how the numbered heading and adding 1 fits in.
The column with the label A/W #1 is where I want to start adding columns
with subsequent labels ie: A/W #2, A/W #3 etc. as needed.
Some jobs only have few A/Ws (Additional Work) and some have as many as 80
or so. So it would ideal to have this work dynamically.
Check below for errors
But this might be closer to what you want.
Option Explicit
Sub testme01()
Dim myCol As Long
With ActiveSheet
myCol = .Cells(4, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column - 1
If myCol = 1 Then
MsgBox "I can't copy from the left of this column!"
Exit Sub
End If
.Columns(myCol + 1).Insert
.Columns(myCol).Copy 'I get an error here "Run time
error 1004 Application defined or object defined error"
.Columns(myCol + 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, _
Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
.Cells(1, myCol + 1).Select
End With
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
New columns are being added to the left of the first column instead before
the last column.
Notice that the myCol (I renamed it from LastCol to match the existing
code) now
.cells(4,.columns.count).end(xltoleft).column -1
That 4 means row 4.
the .columns.count means 256, the .end(xltoleft) is like going to IV4 and
hitting End, then left arrow.
It'll take you to the last used cell in that row. Then I subtract to go
one more.
I dropped the stuff about adding 1 since I didn't see that in your page.
If this is wrong, please take the time to describe what you want in plain
(I don't like breaking my rules <vbg>.)
I don't open attachments.
OK, so I made it a regular .html page
Have a look?
http://www.kraftworksremodel.com/Estimate vs actual.htm
Thanks Dave.
Someday the light bulb will power up above my head.