adding a code to a cell?



H alli,

I'm trying to devise a way to do the following...

Cell A1 has "12.34" in it. I would like B1 to show "ABCD"
Cell A2 has "123.45" in it. I would like B2 to show "ABCDE"
Cell A3 has "12.50" in it. I would like B3 to show "ABEZ"

Any thoughts on how to achieve this either through VBA or a cell formula?


Harald Staff


Put all corresponding logic in a table and a VLOOKUP formula in Cell B1. See
Help on VLOOKUP.

HTH. Best wishes Harald


Hi Harold,

That was my first instinct. However I'm pretty green when it comes to
Vlookup's so some help would be appreciated.

Initially my table on sheet 2 looked like...

colA | colB

1 | A

2 | B

3 | C

4 | D

5 | E

6 | F

7 | G

8 | H

9 | I

0 | Z

How do I then do a Vlookup to produce the desired result? Bearing in mind,
the numbers I want to code in column A (coded letters in column B) on sheet
1 are not necessarily uniform, or logical. Cell A1 could have "97.95",
"129.77" or another equally random combination.

TIA for any help.


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