i have to write a short VBA script for a school project and i am tryin
to add some charts into my worksheet without success.
i am dealing with an Excel object (which i call App) and i managed t
do everything until i began trying to add charts.
apparently i have a problem in this section
" App.Range("F1,E1,D1,C1,B1,A1").Select
App.ActiveChart.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
... "
i figured the 'xlColumnClustered' is the thing bu
'App.xlColumnClustered' failed also (as well as other chart types).
does anyone have a clue ?
i have to write a short VBA script for a school project and i am tryin
to add some charts into my worksheet without success.
i am dealing with an Excel object (which i call App) and i managed t
do everything until i began trying to add charts.
apparently i have a problem in this section
" App.Range("F1,E1,D1,C1,B1,A1").Select
App.ActiveChart.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
... "
i figured the 'xlColumnClustered' is the thing bu
'App.xlColumnClustered' failed also (as well as other chart types).
does anyone have a clue ?