In a helper column, perhaps column B?
In B1 enter ="n" & A1
Double-click on the fill handle(little black lump at bottom right corner) of
B1 to copy down column A.
When done, select column B and copy>paste special(in place)>values.
Delete column A.
If you can't use a helper column then you would be stuck with a macro.
Sub Add_Text_Left()
Dim cell As Range
Dim moretext As String
Dim thisrng As Range
On Error GoTo Endit
Set thisrng = Range(ActiveCell.Address & "," & Selection.Address) _
moretext = InputBox("Enter your Text")
For Each cell In thisrng
cell.Value = moretext & cell.Value
Exit Sub
MsgBox "only formulas in range"
End Sub