Addin UDF Registration/Declaration

  • Thread starter Thread starter Faraz Ahmed Qureshi
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Faraz Ahmed Qureshi

Any guidance as to how to have a UDF in an addin be declared/registered etc.
so as to be used like all other usual/normal functions? like be autocompleted
upon partial entry, arguments be displayed in the supertip and be capable to
be used in the Conditional Formatting and other features?
I've been playing with this recently as well, using the FunCustomize
example on Laurent Longre's website,

I would be interested to know the relative merits of the two
approaches (I realise both are a variation on the same idea).
Laurent's method provides a dll and the only vb code there is is to
install the dll and pass a range with the UDF properties to it (and
uninstall when the add-in closes). It looks comparatively simple. I
presume somehow the dll then registers dummy functions using that
data. One thing I like about this approach is that you don't have to
overwrite functionality of any existing dll functions. The help file
mentions the 255 character limit but this must only apply to each
individual description as I'm sure the total string length for each of
my functions exceeds 255 characters. I guess it means an extra file
to distribute which could be a disadvantage but the functions I'm
working with all require additional data files anyway.

The main advantage is overcoming the 255 limit. I'm (almost) sure you will
not have included more than a combined total of 255 for all the descriptions
in a single UDF.

As you say the method is a development of Laurent Longre's, it's an absolute
mystery to me as to how Jurgen Volkerink (KeepItCool) got it to work!

If anyone's interested the approach can also be adapted to work with UDFs in
an Automation Addin though there's no way to avoid duplicate entries in the
function wizard.

FWIW the code example can be considerably simplified, once you've got your
head round it!

Peter T
PS, forgot to add,

The functionality of the 'borrowed' functions is not overwritten, but it's
worth not using the named ones in the example in case any one else uses them
for the same purpose in the same system. That might in theory be an
advantage of Laurent's dll, assuming of course no one else's app is not
using the same dll (hmm not sure if that's a potential issue or not, I
haven't used his in so long).

Peter T
According to his help file if you need to register more than 200
functions you can create a second copy of the dll and start over again
so on that basis I assume there wouldn't be a conflict with someone
elses app.

I'll have to have another look at the number of characters but
definately the Stephen Bullen method (from the CD in the book) kicked
me out because my descriptions were too long and so far no problem
with Laurents dll in that regard.

Ah I suppose you can name the name the dll to whatever you want, and
providing nobody else uses a similarly named dll + function there's never
likely to be a problem.

I'm sure Laurant's was limited to 255 but maybe he has subsequently changed
something I'm not aware of.

Is Stephen Bullen's method not intrinsically the same as Laurant's?

Peter T

According to his help file if you need to register more than 200
functions you can create a second copy of the dll and start over again
so on that basis I assume there wouldn't be a conflict with someone
elses app.

I'll have to have another look at the number of characters but
definately the Stephen Bullen method (from the CD in the book) kicked
me out because my descriptions were too long and so far no problem
with Laurents dll in that regard.

Ah I suppose you can name the name the dll to whatever you want, and
providing nobody else uses a similarly named dll + function there's never
likely to be a problem.

I'm sure Laurant's was limited to 255 but maybe he has subsequently changed
something I'm not aware of.

Is Stephen Bullen's method not intrinsically the same as Laurant's?

Peter T

According to his help file if you need to register more than 200
functions you can create a second copy of the dll and start over again
so on that basis I assume there wouldn't be a conflict with someone
elses app.

I'll have to have another look at the number of characters but
definately the Stephen Bullen method (from the CD in the book) kicked
me out because my descriptions were too long and so far no problem
with Laurents dll in that regard.


- Show quoted text -

Its great to have that addin.
But, I am thinking some modifications in the addin
So, that if there are less number of functions (not 200 atleast around
5 lets say) then
i need to make all the code within the module
Also, that there should not be anything in the sheets.
The code whould include all that within it.
Thanks in advance.
Its great to have that addin.
But, I am thinking some modifications in the addin
So, that if there are less number of functions (not 200 atleast around
5 lets say) then
i need to make all the code within the module
Also, that there should not be anything in the sheets.
The code whould include all that within it.
Thanks in advance.

I assume you are talking about Laurant's addin. I've just had a quick look
at his latest version.

I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly. However you do not
need to include any text data in cells. You can simply supply an array
between 7 to 26 columns depending on maximum number of function arguments,
and with rows to cater for the number of functions.

Looks like I can include more than 255 characters in total, I'm surprised
and not sure what's going on there. Yet that even contradicts the help file:

"- The total length of all string fields (Function name, argument names,
descriptions.) can't contain more than 255 characters. If it exceeds this
limit, the last strings will be truncated in the function wizard."

Peter T
I assume you are talking about Laurant's addin. I've just had a quick look
at his latest version.

I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly.  However you do not
need to include any text data in cells. You can simply supply an array
between 7 to 26 columns depending on maximum number of function arguments,
and with rows to cater for the number of functions.

Looks like I can include more than 255 characters in total, I'm surprised
and not sure what's going on there. Yet that even contradicts the help file:

"- The total length of all string fields (Function name, argument names,
descriptions.) can't contain more than 255 characters. If it exceeds this
limit, the last strings will be truncated in the function wizard."

Peter T

Dear Peter,
I tried to modify the code of Laurant's addin in the first had
so that nothing for the UDF Registration should be in the sheet
and everything of the code should be in the code (class modules and
For that i thought that modificaiton was necessary in the class module
and more specific in the Sub ProcessRange
So, i tried to replace the sheet references by an array representation
and mind code looks like this

Sub ProcessRange(FuncListInclHeader As Range, bRegister As Boolean)

Dim r&, c&
Dim vArgs
vArgs = Array(Empty, _
"dllname*", "dllproc*", "argtype*", "funtext*",
"argtext*", _
"mactype*", "catname*", "keytext*", "hlppath*",
"funhelp*", _

With FuncListInclHeader
' With .Rows(1)
For c = 1 To 30
If Not LCase(.Columns(c)) Like
vArgs(Application.Min(c, 11)) Then
MsgBox "Range Headers invalid or missing"
Exit Sub
End If
' End With

For r = 2 To 2 '.Rows.Count
' With .Rows(r)
' If Len(.Columns(4)) > 0 Then
'Clear the data
'Assign the properties
DllName = "user32.dll"
' .Columns (1)
DllProc = "CharNextA" '.Columns(2)
ArgType = P# '.Columns(3)
FunText = "MY FUN NAME" '.Columns(4)
ArgText = "MY ARG TYPE" '.Columns(5)
MacType = 1 '.Columns(6)
CatName = "UDF Helper DEMO" '.Columns(7)
KeyText = "" '.Columns (8)
HlpPath = "" '.Columns(9)
FunHelp = "This is just a trial" '.Columns(10)
' For c = 1 To 20
' ArgHelp(c) = .Columns(10 + c)
' Next
If bRegister Then
End If
End If
End With
End With

This was a trial for just one function declaration
But it didn't work
any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

End Sub
I assume you are talking about Laurant's addin. I've just had a quick look
at his latest version.

I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly. However you do not
need to include any text data in cells. You can simply supply an array
between 7 to 26 columns depending on maximum number of function arguments,
and with rows to cater for the number of functions.

Looks like I can include more than 255 characters in total, I'm surprised
and not sure what's going on there. Yet that even contradicts the help

"- The total length of all string fields (Function name, argument names,
descriptions.) can't contain more than 255 characters. If it exceeds this
limit, the last strings will be truncated in the function wizard."

Peter T

Dear Peter,
I tried to modify the code of Laurant's addin in the first had
so that nothing for the UDF Registration should be in the sheet
and everything of the code should be in the code (class modules and
For that i thought that modificaiton was necessary in the class module
and more specific in the Sub ProcessRange
So, i tried to replace the sheet references by an array representation
and mind code looks like this


Referring to Laurant's FunCustomize_Demo.xla

First run Workbook_AddinUninstall to remove the customized function

add the following in a normal module

Function GetAllArgs(arrArgs())
Dim i As Long, j
Dim arr()
Const cFUNCS As Long = 2 ' << change to suit
Const cMAXARGS As Long = 3 ' << change to suit

ReDim arrArgs(1 To cFUNCS, 1 To 6 + cMAXARGS)

For i = 1 To cFUNCS
Call GetArg(i, arr)
For j = 0 To UBound(arr)
arrArgs(i, j + 1) = arr(j)

End Function

Function GetArg(idx As Long, arr())
Dim varEmpty

'' this is the first 2 of 4 sets for function descriptions,
' add the other two in the as Cas2 3 & 4
' don't forget to change cFUNCS to 4 and maybe cMAXARGS

Select Case idx
Case 1
arr = Array("HYPOTENUSE", "Side 1,Side 2", varEmpty, _
"FunCustomize Demo", varEmpty, _
"Returns the length of an hypotenuse", _
"Length of the first side", _
"Length of the second side")

Case 2
arr = Array("RANDOM", "Min,Max,Volatility", varEmpty, _
"FunCustomize Demo", varEmpty, _
"Returns a random number between two integers", _
"Min. random number. If MIN>MAX, returns #NUM!", _
"Max. random number. If MAX<MIN, returns #NUM!", _
"Optional. If TRUE or omitted, " & _
"this function is volatile, otherwise it is static")

End Select

End Function

and amend the following
Sub Auto_Open()
Dim arrArgs() ' < new

GetAllArgs arrArgs ' < new

' ' Run [FunCustomize], ThisWorkbook.Name, shFunctions.Range("A2:Z5")
Run [FunCustomize], ThisWorkbook.Name, arrArgs ' < new

Private Sub Workbook_AddinUninstall()
Dim arrArgs()

GetAllArgs arrArgs

If Run([FuncDelete], arrArgs) = -1 Then _
ExecuteExcel4Macro "UNREGISTER(""" & Me.Path & "\funcustomize.dll" &
End Sub

Must admit it took me a while to get it to work, eventually the trick was
the use of varEmpty for missing arg's instead of "" or entirely empty (which
becomes Missing)

Peter T
"Subodh" <[email protected]> wrote in message
I assume you are talking about Laurant's addin. I've just had a quick look
at his latest version.
I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly. However you do not
need to include any text data in cells. You can simply supply an array
between 7 to 26 columns depending on maximum number of function arguments,
and with rows to cater for the number of functions.
Looks like I can include more than 255 characters in total, I'm surprised
and not sure what's going on there. Yet that even contradicts the help
"- The total length of all string fields (Function name, argument names,
descriptions.) can't contain more than 255 characters. If it exceeds this
limit, the last strings will be truncated in the function wizard."
Peter T

Dear Peter,
I tried to modify the code of Laurant's addin in the first had
so that nothing for the UDF Registration should be in the sheet
and everything of the code should be in the code (class modules and
For that i thought that modificaiton was necessary in the class module
and more specific in the Sub ProcessRange
So, i tried to replace the sheet references by an array representation
and mind code looks like this


Referring to Laurant's FunCustomize_Demo.xla

First run Workbook_AddinUninstall to remove the customized function

add the following in a normal module

Function GetAllArgs(arrArgs())
Dim i As Long, j
Dim arr()
Const cFUNCS As Long = 2 '    << change to suit
Const cMAXARGS As Long = 3 '    << change to suit

    ReDim arrArgs(1 To cFUNCS, 1 To 6 + cMAXARGS)

    For i = 1 To cFUNCS
        Call GetArg(i, arr)
        For j = 0 To UBound(arr)
            arrArgs(i, j + 1) = arr(j)

End Function

Function GetArg(idx As Long, arr())
Dim varEmpty

'' this is the first 2 of 4 sets for function descriptions,
' add the other two in the as Cas2 3 & 4
' don't forget to change cFUNCS to 4 and maybe cMAXARGS

    Select Case idx
    Case 1
arr = Array("HYPOTENUSE", "Side 1,Side 2", varEmpty, _
        "FunCustomize Demo", varEmpty, _
        "Returns the length of an hypotenuse", _
        "Length of the first side", _
            "Length of the second side")

    Case 2
arr = Array("RANDOM", "Min,Max,Volatility", varEmpty, _
            "FunCustomize Demo", varEmpty, _
            "Returns a random number between two integers", _
            "Min. random number. If MIN>MAX, returns #NUM!", _
            "Max. random number. If MAX<MIN, returns #NUM!", _
            "Optional. If TRUE or omitted, " & _
                 "this function is volatile, otherwise it is static")

    End Select

End Function

and amend the following
Sub Auto_Open()
Dim arrArgs() ' < new

GetAllArgs arrArgs ' < new

' ' Run [FunCustomize], ThisWorkbook.Name, shFunctions.Range("A2:Z5")
   Run [FunCustomize], ThisWorkbook.Name, arrArgs ' < new

Private Sub Workbook_AddinUninstall()
Dim arrArgs()

GetAllArgs arrArgs

If Run([FuncDelete], arrArgs) = -1 Then _
   ExecuteExcel4Macro "UNREGISTER(""" & Me.Path & "\funcustomize.dll"&
End Sub

Must admit it took me a while to get it to work, eventually the trick was
the use of varEmpty for missing arg's instead of "" or entirely empty (which
becomes Missing)

Peter T- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Thanks peter
It worked fine.
But, actually i had not expected a modification of the Laurant's add
but the other one.
This also works fine but i don't want to have an extra .dll file
attached each time with the addin
Thanks anyway.
Or, is there any way I could attach the .dll file along with the same
Like inserting a form can we insert a dll file
"Subodh" <[email protected]> wrote in message
I assume you are talking about Laurant's addin. I've just had a quick
at his latest version.
I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly. However you do not
need to include any text data in cells. You can simply supply an array
between 7 to 26 columns depending on maximum number of function
and with rows to cater for the number of functions.
Looks like I can include more than 255 characters in total, I'm
and not sure what's going on there. Yet that even contradicts the help
"- The total length of all string fields (Function name, argument names,
descriptions.) can't contain more than 255 characters. If it exceeds
limit, the last strings will be truncated in the function wizard."
Peter T

Dear Peter,
I tried to modify the code of Laurant's addin in the first had
so that nothing for the UDF Registration should be in the sheet
and everything of the code should be in the code (class modules and
For that i thought that modificaiton was necessary in the class module
and more specific in the Sub ProcessRange
So, i tried to replace the sheet references by an array representation
and mind code looks like this


Referring to Laurant's FunCustomize_Demo.xla

First run Workbook_AddinUninstall to remove the customized function

add the following in a normal module

Function GetAllArgs(arrArgs())
Dim i As Long, j
Dim arr()
Const cFUNCS As Long = 2 ' << change to suit
Const cMAXARGS As Long = 3 ' << change to suit

ReDim arrArgs(1 To cFUNCS, 1 To 6 + cMAXARGS)

For i = 1 To cFUNCS
Call GetArg(i, arr)
For j = 0 To UBound(arr)
arrArgs(i, j + 1) = arr(j)

End Function

Function GetArg(idx As Long, arr())
Dim varEmpty

'' this is the first 2 of 4 sets for function descriptions,
' add the other two in the as Cas2 3 & 4
' don't forget to change cFUNCS to 4 and maybe cMAXARGS

Select Case idx
Case 1
arr = Array("HYPOTENUSE", "Side 1,Side 2", varEmpty, _
"FunCustomize Demo", varEmpty, _
"Returns the length of an hypotenuse", _
"Length of the first side", _
"Length of the second side")

Case 2
arr = Array("RANDOM", "Min,Max,Volatility", varEmpty, _
"FunCustomize Demo", varEmpty, _
"Returns a random number between two integers", _
"Min. random number. If MIN>MAX, returns #NUM!", _
"Max. random number. If MAX<MIN, returns #NUM!", _
"Optional. If TRUE or omitted, " & _
"this function is volatile, otherwise it is static")

End Select

End Function

and amend the following
Sub Auto_Open()
Dim arrArgs() ' < new

GetAllArgs arrArgs ' < new

' ' Run [FunCustomize], ThisWorkbook.Name, shFunctions.Range("A2:Z5")
Run [FunCustomize], ThisWorkbook.Name, arrArgs ' < new

Private Sub Workbook_AddinUninstall()
Dim arrArgs()

GetAllArgs arrArgs

If Run([FuncDelete], arrArgs) = -1 Then _
ExecuteExcel4Macro "UNREGISTER(""" & Me.Path & "\funcustomize.dll" &
End Sub

Must admit it took me a while to get it to work, eventually the trick was
the use of varEmpty for missing arg's instead of "" or entirely empty
becomes Missing)

Peter T- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Thanks peter
It worked fine.
But, actually i had not expected a modification of the Laurant's add
but the other one.
This also works fine but i don't want to have an extra .dll file
attached each time with the addin
Thanks anyway.
Or, is there any way I could attach the .dll file along with the same
Like inserting a form can we insert a dll file


I'm confused, last time you said -

"I tried to modify the code of Laurant's addin in the first had
so that nothing for the UDF Registration should be in the sheet"

I showed you how to modify the addin without any UDF data in the sheet. Now
you say not that one but "the other one". Which addin are you referring to.

Peter T
According to his help file if you need to register more than 200
functions you can create a second copy of the dll and start over again
so on that basis I assume there wouldn't be a conflict with someone
elses app.

I'll have to have another look at the number of characters but
definately the Stephen Bullen method (from the CD in the book) kicked
me out because my descriptions were too long and so far no problem
with Laurents dll in that regard.


- Zitierten Text anzeigen -

Hello Andrew,

I found XLW quite helpful to come up quickly with a reliable Add-in:

Hello Andrew,

I found XLW quite helpful to come up quickly with a reliable Add-in:

Bernd- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Sorry Peter.
I meant the addin in the link
as mentioned above by Niek Otten
The advantage with this is that, it does not need any extra file (the
Dll file required in the case of Laurent's)
Or, as i said, it would also work if the dll file can also be attached
within the workbook in some way.
Sorry Peter.
I meant the addin in the link
as mentioned above by Niek Otten
The advantage with this is that, it does not need any extra file (the
Dll file required in the case of Laurent's)
Or, as i said, it would also work if the dll file can also be attached
within the workbook in some way.


You replied to Bernd's message but I can see the question is addressed to
me. The file in that link is not an addin, it's a demo xls.

It's not important where the data strings exist, cells on a sheet, hard
coded array or even read from file. The tricky part is to ensure you make
the command strings in the same way as shown in the demo code, and pay
particular attention to ensuring string data is embraced in double quotes
where necessary.

For my purposes I found the best approach was to thoroughly understand the
code, then remake it from scratch. You may find it can be simplified,
removing quite a lot of redundancy and speeding things up.

Peter T
Sorry Peter.
I meant the addin in the link
as mentioned above by Niek Otten
The advantage with this is that, it does not need any extra file (the
Dll file required in the case of Laurent's)
Or, as i said, it would also work if the dll file can also be attached
within the workbook in some way.


You replied to Bernd's message but I can see the question is addressed to
me. The file in that link is not an addin, it's a demo xls.

It's not important where the data strings exist, cells on a sheet, hard
coded array or even read from file. The tricky part is to ensure you make
the command strings in the same way as shown in the demo code, and pay
particular attention to ensuring string data is embraced in double quotes
where necessary.

For my purposes I found the best approach was to thoroughly understand the
code, then remake it from scratch. You may find it can be simplified,
removing quite a lot of redundancy and speeding things up.

Peter T

Thanks Peter.
Is there any way to achieve the same for excel automation addin using c#.Since all the discussions are based on VBA..

pls let me know if something is found

(e-mail address removed)

Any guidance as to how to have a UDF in an addin be declared/registered etc.
so as to be used like all other usual/normal functions? like be autocompleted
upon partial entry, arguments be displayed in the supertip and be capable to
be used in the Conditional Formatting and other features?

Thanx in advance & Best Regards,


Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel
On Monday, May 03, 2010 5:42 AM Peter T wrote:
Dear Peter,
I tried to modify the code of Laurant's addin in the first had
so that nothing for the UDF Registration should be in the sheet
and everything of the code should be in the code (class modules and
For that i thought that modificaiton was necessary in the class module
and more specific in the Sub ProcessRange
So, i tried to replace the sheet references by an array representation
and mind code looks like this


Referring to Laurant's FunCustomize_Demo.xla

First run Workbook_AddinUninstall to remove the customized function

add the following in a normal module

Function GetAllArgs(arrArgs())
Dim i As Long, j
Dim arr()
Const cFUNCS As Long = 2 ' << change to suit
Const cMAXARGS As Long = 3 ' << change to suit

ReDim arrArgs(1 To cFUNCS, 1 To 6 + cMAXARGS)

For i = 1 To cFUNCS
Call GetArg(i, arr)
For j = 0 To UBound(arr)
arrArgs(i, j + 1) = arr(j)

End Function

Function GetArg(idx As Long, arr())
Dim varEmpty

'' this is the first 2 of 4 sets for function descriptions,
' add the other two in the as Cas2 3 & 4
' do not forget to change cFUNCS to 4 and maybe cMAXARGS

Select Case idx
Case 1
arr = Array("HYPOTENUSE", "Side 1,Side 2", varEmpty, _
"FunCustomize Demo", varEmpty, _
"Returns the length of an hypotenuse", _
"Length of the first side", _
"Length of the second side")

Case 2
arr = Array("RANDOM", "Min,Max,Volatility", varEmpty, _
"FunCustomize Demo", varEmpty, _
"Returns a random number between two integers", _
"Min. random number. If MIN>MAX, returns #NUM!", _
"Max. random number. If MAX<MIN, returns #NUM!", _
"Optional. If TRUE or omitted, " & _
"this function is volatile, otherwise it is static")

End Select

End Function

and amend the following
Sub Auto_Open()
Dim arrArgs() ' < new

GetAllArgs arrArgs ' < new

' ' Run [FunCustomize], ThisWorkbook.Name, shFunctions.Range("A2:Z5")
Run [FunCustomize], ThisWorkbook.Name, arrArgs ' < new
The intrinsic method described in the article works (almost) similarly for
ComAddins in any language. However AFAIK the approach has only been
published in VBA. It means you need to rewrite it to your needs. FWIW it can
be simplified to some extent.

Couple of differences between VBA and ComAddins

1. Automation Addins only load when one of it's UDFs is first called. That
means until the UDF has been used at least once in the session the user will
not see any of the registered descriptions in the function wizard.

2. Unlike VBA UDFs, it's not possible to avoid the UDF appearing twice in
the function wizard, once in the default user defined category and again in
your own category.

Peter T

jibin m said:
Is there any way to achieve the same for excel automation addin using
c#.Since all the discussions are based on VBA..

pls let me know if something is found

(e-mail address removed)

Any guidance as to how to have a UDF in an addin be declared/registered
so as to be used like all other usual/normal functions? like be
upon partial entry, arguments be displayed in the supertip and be capable
be used in the Conditional Formatting and other features?

Thanx in advance & Best Regards,


Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel
On Friday, April 30, 2010 8:41 AM Peter T wrote:
it is not straight forward at all, but it can be done (not tooltips

Peter T
On Friday, April 30, 2010 10:41 AM Andrew wrote:
I have been playing with this recently as well, using the FunCustomize
example on Laurent Longre's website,

I would be interested to know the relative merits of the two
approaches (I realise both are a variation on the same idea).
Laurent's method provides a dll and the only vb code there is is to
install the dll and pass a range with the UDF properties to it (and
uninstall when the add-in closes). It looks comparatively simple. I
presume somehow the dll then registers dummy functions using that
data. One thing I like about this approach is that you do not have to
overwrite functionality of any existing dll functions. The help file
mentions the 255 character limit but this must only apply to each
individual description as I am sure the total string length for each
my functions exceeds 255 characters. I guess it means an extra file
to distribute which could be a disadvantage but the functions I am
working with all require additional data files anyway.

On Friday, April 30, 2010 11:16 AM Peter T wrote:
The main advantage is overcoming the 255 limit. I am (almost) sure
you will
not have included more than a combined total of 255 for all the
in a single UDF.

As you say the method is a development of Laurent Longre's, it is an
mystery to me as to how Jurgen Volkerink (KeepItCool) got it to work!

If anyone's interested the approach can also be adapted to work with
UDFs in
an Automation Addin though there is no way to avoid duplicate entries
in the
function wizard.

FWIW the code example can be considerably simplified, once you have
got your
head round it!

Peter T
On Friday, April 30, 2010 11:30 AM Peter T wrote:
PS, forgot to add,

The functionality of the 'borrowed' functions is not overwritten,
but it is
worth not using the named ones in the example in case any one else
uses them
for the same purpose in the same system. That might in theory be an
advantage of Laurent's dll, assuming of course no one else's app is
using the same dll (hmm not sure if that is a potential issue or
not, I
have not used his in so long).

Peter T
On Friday, April 30, 2010 12:05 PM Andrew wrote:
According to his help file if you need to register more than 200
functions you can create a second copy of the dll and start over
so on that basis I assume there would not be a conflict with
elses app.

I will have to have another look at the number of characters but
definately the Stephen Bullen method (from the CD in the book)
me out because my descriptions were too long and so far no problem
with Laurents dll in that regard.


On Friday, April 30, 2010 12:36 PM Peter T wrote:
Ah I suppose you can name the name the dll to whatever you want,
providing nobody else uses a similarly named dll + function there
is never
likely to be a problem.

I am sure Laurant's was limited to 255 but maybe he has
subsequently changed
something I am not aware of.

Is Stephen Bullen's method not intrinsically the same as

Peter T

According to his help file if you need to register more than 200
functions you can create a second copy of the dll and start over
so on that basis I assume there would not be a conflict with
elses app.

I will have to have another look at the number of characters but
definately the Stephen Bullen method (from the CD in the book)
me out because my descriptions were too long and so far no problem
with Laurents dll in that regard.

On Sunday, May 02, 2010 5:35 AM Subodh wrote:
On Sunday, May 02, 2010 8:46 AM Peter T wrote:
I assume you are talking about Laurant's addin. I have just had
a quick look
at his latest version.

I am not sure if I understand your question correctly. However
you do not
need to include any text data in cells. You can simply supply an
between 7 to 26 columns depending on maximum number of function
and with rows to cater for the number of functions.

Looks like I can include more than 255 characters in total, I am
and not sure what is going on there. Yet that even contradicts
the help file:

"- The total length of all string fields (Function name,
argument names,
descriptions.) cannot contain more than 255 characters. If it
exceeds this
limit, the last strings will be truncated in the function

Peter T
On Sunday, May 02, 2010 11:00 PM Subodh wrote:

Dear Peter,
I tried to modify the code of Laurant's addin in the first had
so that nothing for the UDF Registration should be in the sheet
and everything of the code should be in the code (class modules
For that i thought that modificaiton was necessary in the class
and more specific in the Sub ProcessRange
So, i tried to replace the sheet references by an array
and mind code looks like this

Sub ProcessRange(FuncListInclHeader As Range, bRegister As

Dim r&, c&
Dim vArgs
vArgs =3D Array(Empty, _
"dllname*", "dllproc*", "argtype*", "funtext*",
"argtext*", _
"mactype*", "catname*", "keytext*", "hlppath*",
"funhelp*", _

With FuncListInclHeader
' With .Rows(1)
For c =3D 1 To 30
If Not LCase(.Columns(c)) Like
vArgs(Application.Min(c, 11)) Then
MsgBox "Range Headers invalid or missing"
Exit Sub
End If
' End With

For r =3D 2 To 2 '.Rows.Count
' With .Rows(r)
' If Len(.Columns(4)) > 0 Then
'Clear the data
'Assign the properties
DllName =3D "user32.dll"
' .Columns (1)
DllProc =3D "CharNextA" '.Columns(2)
ArgType =3D P# '.Columns(3)
FunText =3D "MY FUN NAME" '.Columns(4)
ArgText =3D "MY ARG TYPE" '.Columns(5)
MacType =3D 1 '.Columns(6)
CatName =3D "UDF Helper DEMO" '.Columns(7)
KeyText =3D "" '.Columns (8)
HlpPath =3D "" '.Columns(9)
FunHelp =3D "This is just a trial" '.Columns(10)
' For c =3D 1 To 20
' ArgHelp(c) =3D .Columns(10 + c)
' Next
If bRegister Then
End If
End If
End With
On Monday, May 03, 2010 5:42 AM Peter T wrote:
Dear Peter,
I tried to modify the code of Laurant's addin in the first had
so that nothing for the UDF Registration should be in the
and everything of the code should be in the code (class
modules and
For that i thought that modificaiton was necessary in the
class module
and more specific in the Sub ProcessRange
So, i tried to replace the sheet references by an array
and mind code looks like this


Referring to Laurant's FunCustomize_Demo.xla

First run Workbook_AddinUninstall to remove the customized

add the following in a normal module

Function GetAllArgs(arrArgs())
Dim i As Long, j
Dim arr()
Const cFUNCS As Long = 2 ' << change to suit
Const cMAXARGS As Long = 3 ' << change to suit

ReDim arrArgs(1 To cFUNCS, 1 To 6 + cMAXARGS)

For i = 1 To cFUNCS
Call GetArg(i, arr)
For j = 0 To UBound(arr)
arrArgs(i, j + 1) = arr(j)

End Function

Function GetArg(idx As Long, arr())
Dim varEmpty

'' this is the first 2 of 4 sets for function descriptions,
' add the other two in the as Cas2 3 & 4
' do not forget to change cFUNCS to 4 and maybe cMAXARGS

Select Case idx
Case 1
arr = Array("HYPOTENUSE", "Side 1,Side 2", varEmpty, _
"FunCustomize Demo", varEmpty, _
"Returns the length of an hypotenuse", _
"Length of the first side", _
"Length of the second side")

Case 2
arr = Array("RANDOM", "Min,Max,Volatility", varEmpty, _
"FunCustomize Demo", varEmpty, _
"Returns a random number between two integers", _
"Min. random number. If MIN>MAX, returns #NUM!", _
"Max. random number. If MAX<MIN, returns #NUM!", _
"Optional. If TRUE or omitted, " & _
"this function is volatile, otherwise it is static")

End Select

End Function

and amend the following
Sub Auto_Open()
Dim arrArgs() ' < new

GetAllArgs arrArgs ' < new

' ' Run [FunCustomize], ThisWorkbook.Name,
Run [FunCustomize], ThisWorkbook.Name, arrArgs ' < new
On Tuesday, May 04, 2010 2:49 AM Subodh wrote:
On Tuesday, May 04, 2010 5:28 AM Peter T wrote:
On Tuesday, May 04, 2010 5:44 AM Bernd P wrote:
es in
On Tuesday, May 04, 2010 11:46 AM Subodh wrote:
it is
es them
ou will
it to
h UDFs
ries in
ot your
e. =A0I
ve to
h of
On Tuesday, May 04, 2010 4:18 PM Peter T wrote:
Sorry Peter.
I meant the addin in the link
as mentioned above by Niek Otten
The advantage with this is that, it does not need any
extra file (the
Dll file required in the case of Laurent's)
Or, as i said, it would also work if the dll file can
also be attached
within the workbook in some way.


You replied to Bernd's message but I can see the question
is addressed to
me. The file in that link is not an addin, it is a demo

it is not important where the data strings exist, cells
on a sheet, hard
coded array or even read from file. The tricky part is to
ensure you make
the command strings in the same way as shown in the demo
code, and pay
particular attention to ensuring string data is embraced
in double quotes
where necessary.

For my purposes I found the best approach was to
thoroughly understand the
code, then remake it from scratch. You may find it can be
removing quite a lot of redundancy and speeding things

Peter T
On Wednesday, May 05, 2010 12:18 AM Subodh wrote:

Thanks Peter.
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