AddFavorite Method doesn't work like AddFavorite Dialog or CTRL-D handling Shortcut ICONs


Mel in Roseville

I would expect the AddFavorite Method to produce the same results as the
Favorites->Add to Favorites dialog does regarding the handling of shortcut
icons, i.e., following the <LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON"
REF="http://somesite/somename.ico"> directive. I tried to use this to
associate a couple of different shortcut icons to different pages within the
same site. Here's what I found:

* If I use the AddFavorite method (via Javascript) it will add the favorite
but IE then only looks for a file named favicon.ico in the site's root
directory. It ignores the LINK directive. This is the route that I'd like
to have working since it's the simplest for most of my users and it allows
them to select where (which folder) the shortcut is created.

* Netscape, using CTRL-D keystroke, works as I would expect; it follows the
LINK directive.

* IE works properly if I use the Favorites->Add to Favorites... dialog,
i.e., manually entering the dialog from the menu bar.

* <Drum roll please> IE works properly if I add the favorite like I would
in Netscape, i.e., CTRL-D. This appears to be a poorly documented feature
of IE.

Does anyone know how to get the method to work as expected via Javascript?

Alternatively, does anyone know how to get Microsoft to address this


Mel in Roseville


The first link you provided is the one where I got most of my information
about using AddFavorite. is one of the sites I visited trying
to find a solution to the problem. I didn't find anyone describing the
problem I've been seeing. In fact I've used the Icon Validator at trying to resolve this problem
and it says everything is fine and finds my icons. The only thing that
doesn't work as expected is the AddFavorite method from Javascript.

I will be using the link you provided to let Microsoft know about this

Thanks for your assistance,

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