Hello, I am struggling with a formula that i wondered if anyone could asssit
me with?
I am trying to get a calulation that only adds up all the figures in coloumn
J (column only contains numbers) for the 10th month of 2009 (date is in
column D). I have tried a few times but haven't had any joy.
I would appreciate any assistance and guidance on this.
What i have tried:
=SUM(IF((--(TEXT('Air Imports'!D5
=COUNTIF('Air Imports'!J5:J10000,IF('Air
me with?
I am trying to get a calulation that only adds up all the figures in coloumn
J (column only contains numbers) for the 10th month of 2009 (date is in
column D). I have tried a few times but haven't had any joy.
I would appreciate any assistance and guidance on this.
What i have tried:
=SUM(IF((--(TEXT('Air Imports'!D5

=COUNTIF('Air Imports'!J5:J10000,IF('Air