Added control, lots of warnings

  • Thread starter Thread starter EdisonCPP
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I added an IP Address Control I found online.

I get hundreds of warnings when I compile it now:

: warning C4945: 'ResXFileRef' : cannot import symbol from
as 'System::Resources::ResXFileRef' has already been imported from another
assembly 'System.Windows.Forms'
: see declaration of 'System::Resources::ResXFileRef'
first seen type is used; re-order imported assemblies to use the
current type
This diagnostic occurred while importing type
'System.Resources.ResXFileRef' from assembly 'System.Windows.Forms,
Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.

The above is for one symbmol, I get MANY of these for other symbols.

Any idea on how to get rid of these warnings... there are so many, it
actually takes
my project 3-4 times as long to compile.

To me it seems like it's trying to get framework references from the new
control instead of the default libraries, then
finding them again in the default libraries???? Or is it somehow getting
double defs from Framework 1.0 and 2.0?

I have the C# code for the control, and compiled it with VS2005. Using it
in managed C++ project.

EdisonCPP said:
I added an IP Address Control I found online.

I get hundreds of warnings when I compile it now:

: warning C4945: 'ResXFileRef' : cannot import symbol from
as 'System::Resources::ResXFileRef' has already been imported from another
assembly 'System.Windows.Forms'

c:\windows\\framework\v2.0.50727\ :
see declaration of 'System::Resources::ResXFileRef'
first seen type is used; re-order imported assemblies to use the
current type
This diagnostic occurred while importing type
'System.Resources.ResXFileRef' from assembly 'System.Windows.Forms,
Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.

The above is for one symbmol, I get MANY of these for other symbols.

Any idea on how to get rid of these warnings... there are so many, it
actually takes
my project 3-4 times as long to compile.

To me it seems like it's trying to get framework references from the new
control instead of the default libraries, then
finding them again in the default libraries???? Or is it somehow getting
double defs from Framework 1.0 and 2.0?

I have the C# code for the control, and compiled it with VS2005. Using it
in managed C++ project.

Can you provide a link to the control in question?
Unless others can "see" the details, it's unlikely you'll get useful

Have you contacted the control author(s) to ask about your issues?

I have emailed the author, with no reply yet. There's a long
forum at the bottom of the control's site where no one else seems
to have the problem.

Also, I thought on a general forum someone might have
seen something like this when putting, say a C# control
into a C++ app; something commonly known, and
not specific to this specific control.

Hi Steven,

I have tried to download the IP address control you have mentioned from the
codeproject web site and performed several tests.

Firstly, I try to use the IP address control of the VS05 version in a
managed Visual C++ Windows Application project. I add the IP address
control in the Toolbox and drag it onto a form. Then I build the managed
VC++ project and all is fine without any warnings.

Secondly, I try to use the IP address control of the VS.NET 2003 version in
the same managed VC++ project. Repeat the above steps. When I build the
project, I get the same warnings as you did.

So, if your managed VC++ project is developed with VS05, please use the IP
address control which is developed with VS05 as well.

Please try out my suggestion and let me know the result.

Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support

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Hello Steven,

just for your information, if this is a path that interest you, I
developped a commercial framework named FieldPackEditor, specialized
in field-based editors. The DateTimePicker is the main example, but it
can also create ip address editors. The sample provided showcases
exactly that.

Best regards,

Nicolas Cadilhac @ VisualHint (
Home of Smart FieldPackEditor.Net / DateTimePicker replacement (http://
Home of Smart PropertyGrid for .Net and MFC (
Microsoft PropertyGrid Resource List -