From: "Noel Paton" <
[email protected]>
| I wouldn't necessarily call it a coincidence, Dave - I had similar
| for a while, and isolated the cause.
| What it is, is that AdAware in full-scan mode opens compressed files to
| test them - and it's the decompressed temp file that the AV then tags as
| virus (or whatever) - it can be a bitch to work out exactly which file
| causing the problem, as the temp file created by AdAware doesn't
| have either a recognisable name, or source.
I wanted to keep it simple. I didn't want to him to stop using Ad-aware.
But you are
As Ad-aware scans the system it is opening Java Jars and scanning .CLASS
files and as the
are extracted from the Java Jars (ZIP type archive file) NAV's "On Access"
scanner is
catching a .CLASS file that is the JS/ByteVerify Trojan and NAV is
notifying the user.
I should have fully explained that instead of being lazy and not going
into full detail.
Dumping the Browser and Sun Java caches will remove the Java Jars and thus
mitigate further
NAV notifications.