Hi, I am a beginner with Visual C++ (I am using .NET 2002)
MY problem is that sometimes the main dialog class dissapears from the class view ( so if my project is named Test, I cannot see CTestDlg class there) and when i right click over a control and try to attach a variable to it 'add variable" is inactive. Sometimes happens since i start a new project. Sometimes after a while that I have been working on. I create the projects as Dialog projects (MFC application)
Even though the files for the class (CTestDlg.h and CTestDlg.cpp are there) i do not see the class listed under class viewer and I cannot attach variable to controls. This has happened not only to me, but to some of my friends in different computers runngin XP professional (NET Framework 1.1). And it is very frustrating when after hours that you work you notice that cannot anymore attach variables to controls and cannot continue the project !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is this a bug ? I thought I was doing something wrong but I tried different things but no luck !!
Has anybody else seen this problem
Does anyone know how to fix that ??
Any recomandation is welcomed !!
PLEASE HEEEEEEEEEELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MY problem is that sometimes the main dialog class dissapears from the class view ( so if my project is named Test, I cannot see CTestDlg class there) and when i right click over a control and try to attach a variable to it 'add variable" is inactive. Sometimes happens since i start a new project. Sometimes after a while that I have been working on. I create the projects as Dialog projects (MFC application)
Even though the files for the class (CTestDlg.h and CTestDlg.cpp are there) i do not see the class listed under class viewer and I cannot attach variable to controls. This has happened not only to me, but to some of my friends in different computers runngin XP professional (NET Framework 1.1). And it is very frustrating when after hours that you work you notice that cannot anymore attach variables to controls and cannot continue the project !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is this a bug ? I thought I was doing something wrong but I tried different things but no luck !!
Has anybody else seen this problem
Does anyone know how to fix that ??
Any recomandation is welcomed !!
PLEASE HEEEEEEEEEELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!