James B
Hi all,
How do I add the values to the combo box using programming?
And show only the name and hide the rest? I'm trying to do
a select query from the user table and from the query
result, I apply the result to the combo box.
Let say,
Dim rd as dao.database
dim rst as dao.recordset
dim str as string
str = "SELECT userId,uname FROM USER"
set rd=currentdb()
set rst=rd.openrecordset(User)
If rst.RecordCount > 0 Then
With Me.combox1
//From Here, How do I show only the user name and not
the user ID ??
end with
How do I add the values to the combo box using programming?
And show only the name and hide the rest? I'm trying to do
a select query from the user table and from the query
result, I apply the result to the combo box.
Let say,
Dim rd as dao.database
dim rst as dao.recordset
dim str as string
str = "SELECT userId,uname FROM USER"
set rd=currentdb()
set rst=rd.openrecordset(User)
If rst.RecordCount > 0 Then
With Me.combox1
//From Here, How do I show only the user name and not
the user ID ??
end with