Add User in BCM 2.0 on SBS 2003

  • Thread starter Thread starter Guido Elvers
  • Start date Start date

Guido Elvers


I have a problem to put on running BCM on a SBS 2003.

Actually the BCM is running with MSDE database and I would like to add user
from activ directory. I start enabling database for new user. On the second
window I get an error message: "In der Endpunktzuordnung sind keine weiteren
Endpunkte verfügbar" (For endpoint allocation are no more endpoint
As I started it twice I could add users from activ directory but could not
finish the procedure, because of an error: "Fehler beim übernehmen von
Änderungen. Die Änderungen wurden nicht erfolgreich übernommen." (Error to
assume chages. The changed items will not assume correctly)
I also have same problem as Guido, and I am with a SBS 2003 with Rras doing
NAT/basic firewall. Problem occurs logged on LOCALLY at SBS CONSOLE (no
network access). No events in Event Viewer. No netmon traces when trying to
share the DB... really hard to guess. Problem occurs even if I stop Rras.
Applied BCM sp2 but no remedy.
That doesn`t help. I stopped the ISA Server and the error is the same.

My environment is the small business server 2003 with Outlook SP1 and BCM
2.0. The Isa Server will be uninstalled in the next few days, because of an
external firewall on a seperate PC. So there will be running only the SBS

I mentioned that there is a access problem an the server machine, but I am
locked in as administrator.
message von Luther

Experiment and see if you can access the database from a client without BCM.

e.g. from a cmd prompt run:

OSQL -E -S yourserverhost\microsoftsmlbiz,56183 -d msbusinesscontactmanager

If it has the same problem, then your MSDE and NT are not configured for
access over the network.

It that works, then perhaps there's a problem accessing your Active
Directory host from your server.
your help was one stept of the way to solve the problem but not everything.
Now I can connect to the database from another client. Thanks for now.

My problem seems to be the instalaltion on the SBS Server. I hadn´t connect
a client before but this must be working now.

My idea was to install bcm on the server machine with msde, add clients and
transform the database to sql-server. On a client machine I could manage
this perfectly but the database is not running on the server because of
client access rules. So I thought installing and adding users on the server
right now and add the user I need from active directory. So far so good.
Installation was running well, but adding users I got the error described in
the newsgroup.

Do I have another way to add client how should access the database with
another tool? I tried to connect the msde with the Query analyzer from the
SQL Server but he found only sql instanzes to connect?