Does anyone know if it is possible to add two values together within an SQL
statement so that the total is inserted into the field in the table?
For example a counter in a For/Next Loop to a variable called Index.
Private Sub FileCount(Name as string, Index as long, Quantity as Integer)
Dim mySQL as String
Dim n as Integer
For n=0 to Quantity - 1
mySQL = "INSERT INTO myTable VALUES(Name, Index + n)"
Next n
End Sub
statement so that the total is inserted into the field in the table?
For example a counter in a For/Next Loop to a variable called Index.
Private Sub FileCount(Name as string, Index as long, Quantity as Integer)
Dim mySQL as String
Dim n as Integer
For n=0 to Quantity - 1
mySQL = "INSERT INTO myTable VALUES(Name, Index + n)"
Next n
End Sub